Chapter 1

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Third person POV

Due to Eren passing out of exhaustion, the wolf stoped running at full spead and slowed down to a much calmer pace, not wanting to disturb him. The wolf's dark and ravenous fur coat made its bright silver eyes to stand out like a sore thumb. It was mysteriously a true beautiful sight to gaze upon. Almsot......inhumane as some might say. Prehaps this wolf isn't so normal.

Now that Eren wasn't conscious, the wolf took this as an advantage to take a break, using its front teeth to slowly and carefully lift him of its back and onto the ground

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Now that Eren wasn't conscious, the wolf took this as an advantage to take a break, using its front teeth to slowly and carefully lift him of its back and onto the ground. The wolf then began to shake, its bones beagn to shift and change. Soon, that same black wolf turned into a petite woman with long, black shoulder length hair and dark smokey grey eyes. This wasn't a regular wolf at all. This woman was a werewolf. An ancient species that assumed to be extinct, but proven wrong as the growth rate of different pack regions bagn to increase.

The woman bent down and picked up Eren bridal style and walked the rest of the way to her destination. Soon, they two came to a moden suburban house, settled in middle of trees suronding the sides.

 Soon, they two came to a moden suburban house, settled in middle of trees suronding the sides

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However, it looked a cozy cabin. A lot of windows to let natural light in, and a balcony where you could sit and stare at the stars at night. The woamn carried Eren all the way up to the house, using her hip to push open the slightly ajar front door. She passed by the lavish living room to her right and the long dinning table to her left, heading up the stairs to a clean guest room to put Eren in for the night, unware of the little monsters following her. Making sure Rouge was still by his side, the woman maneged to tuck Eren in the his guest bed. She would have to come back later for other things, but for now, she let the tired boy rest after a long and terrifying day. She laughed at the little creatures running up behind her to see who their visitor is.

Time skip

A couple of hours later, Eren's emerald green eyes slowly flickered open. He slowly sat up and rubbed away his dried tears, clutching something very close to his chest. As Eren looked down in his arms, he gave a small smile. There resting in his grasp, was no other that Rouge, his trusty sidekick. He was also wearing a different outfit from the one he wore earlier today. As Eren looked back up, he began to take the room in more. Lightly colored wals, dark carpet, brown furnishing set. It seemed to Eren that he definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. He sat alone, on a queen sized bed with a beautiful light blue spread.

It was a little girly, but Eren wasn't very picky, at least not yet

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It was a little girly, but Eren wasn't very picky, at least not yet. Eren's eyes wondered over to the nightstand which had a plate had two already cut and peeled oranges with a cup of water, and a small note attached to it.  Eren struggled but he managed to get off the horizontally challenging bed and down to the ground, right in front of the nightstand. He hesitated because he remembered his father's words about not taking food from a stranger, but his stomach had something to say about and it wasn't happy. So despite his guilt, Eren's snall hands reached up, pulling the platter down and hungrily eating away at the fruit. Of course, he sat down Rouge close next to him as he ate. He was never letting him out of his sight ever again.

After gulping down the water, Eren used a neatly placed napkin under the tray to wipe any crumbs or drips of water. He glanced at the last thing sitting in front of him. The letter. Eren was only in kindergarten and couldn't read very well, but he was determined to find out the smallest amount of information about where he was.

Dear Eren,

You're probably very confused and scared as to what is happening now. I can promise you that everything is going to be just fine. You will be staying here with me and a few other guests for now on. You're mother would be so proud of you and how far you have come. She wanted you to be safe and I will make sure that I fulfill her wish. After you have finished eating, head downstairs. There, I will be waiting to tell you more and answer any questions that you may have.

With love,
Kutchel Ackerman

Eren was indeed afraid and puzzled of the situation. Although his mind couldn't comprehend the larger words, he understood the overall message. He was also still very upset about losing his mother. He missed her soft smile and touch. Her sparklimg eyes and calm nature. He most desperately missed her voice. Her beautiful and relaxing voice was the only thing that could be heard when Eren was having trouble with controling his temper. It helped him lose all thought and to just focus on what was important, to release any stress and anger he had build up. Now, that sweet and soothing sound was gone. Only a faint memory in his head. How Eren wished he could be back in his mother's arms again. Netherless, he did have a few questions for this Kutchel Ackerman and a few more for his situation.

So with most courage and determination, Eren grabbed Rouge, arose from his feet and opened the slightly ajar door, letting the light in from the windows that hung directly across the halway railing. Eren took a deep breath before standing up straight and walking toward the staircase. Little did he knew of what peculiar events awaited him.

Heyy, it's me, Foxy. Sorry this took a least a month and a half to finish. My only good reason is that I just lost inspiration for it, but my new saying is "no book left behind" so I will continue wriiting this story, even if it kills me. Also sorry to MilitaryKrackers34 for having your hopes up on a frequent update. I just forgot about this one. Sorry again, but I do hope you enjoy it!

And as always, keep calm and stay Foxy


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