outertale sansx reader

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 A/N  i did this because my little brother ships me with outertale sans for what reasons idk but i'm just doing this


y/n's POV

"Hey eclipse"i called to her and viner as we walked trough the stars"yes?" she asked kind of confused"d-do um you think sans likes nice cream?" and as i asked her this her blue eyes turned to stars and her long lavender hair seemed to catch stars she squealed like a child  while jumping up and down"y/n do you like him?!" she asked smiling larger than normal.I felt the blood rush to my face as my cheeks felt like the sun"m-maybe?" i replied to her.Viner stared at me in suprise and a small smile was planted on his lips"you should tell him.."viner and eclipse said at the same time in a comforting manner,my face was even hotter now!"what if he doesn't like me back, what if this ruins our friends ship?!"i almost shouted in a frenzided panick(i can't spell XD)"calm down we have your back"eclipse replied to me holding viners hand and mine "i guess i can see if he likes me" i breathed about to pass out 


Sans's POV

"hey sans" y/n said her voice rang in my head snapping me out of my daydreams"hey y/n" i replied after she sat down on the stool next to me her (e/c) eyes shinning in the starlight ,her (h/l)(h/c) seemed to catch the stars as they shot by a light blush planted on her cheeks"um s-ans i really like you .......alot" she said her face turning red.I blushed a dark blue as my eyes widened "i have for a long time"she confessed before she could say another word i pulled her into a soft kiss and almost immediatly she kissed back ,we seperated and she asked"does this mean you like me back?" all i did was nod and hug her protectively"i love you y/n i hope you remember that"i told her as she dozzed of in my arms.....


I hope you enjoyed you sinners!!!!!!!!

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