night one

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The door to the house flew open and a man stepped in. The only light came from the moon, which hung high in the sky and gave the man just enough to see the steps in front of him. The steps which led upstairs.

He decided to climb these steps, making sure to tread lightly. Having someone wake up wouldn't have worked well with the plan.

The man knew this house well. He had watched from afar as the family which lived inside it settled down for the night, bedding down in each of their own bedrooms. Mom and dad slept in the bedroom at the end of the hall. The little girl slept in the room to the left.

His boots crept softly against the hardwood floor, towards the end of the hall. His face was covered by a mask and a hood was pulled high over his head. The man sucked in a deep breath before tightening his grjp on his knife and using his free hand to twist the doorknob on the room which belonged to the mother and father.

He pushed open the door without care, causing it to slam into the wall that held it seconds later. He stood in the doorway, watching as the two adults shot up out of their sleep.

"Who the hell are you?!" The deep voice of the father screamed. "Get the fuck out, I'm calling the police!"

The intruder quickly left his spot in the doorway, his boots now thundering towards the father.

His wife, the mother, screamed. It all happened in a flash.

The intruder's knife sank deep into the chest of the father, and before he could take the chance to confirm his death, the knife found home in the chest of the mother as well.

They were both dead. Blood was streaming down the sharp, silver blade of the knife.

The intruder smiled as he watched the crimson liquid run. He had done his job.

As he turned to exit the room, he was met with a figure barely half his height. The little girl.

"M-mommy?" She spoke quietly, staring at the scene in front of her. "Daddy?"

The intruder slowly crept over to her, lowering himself to her height. Crouching in front of her, he could see the fear in her eyes.

"Who are you?!" She started to cry, seeing her parents weren't moving. She didn't know who this man was and it scared her to death. Fear mixed with curiosity as she slowly reached out to the intruder.

The intruder didn't move. He was just watching the little girl. Watching her shaking body and her arm as it reached out towards him.

Her small hand grabbed the bottom of his mask, quickly pulling it down to his neck and revealing his face.

The intruder's golden brown eyes met her blue ones, watching as they widened and she took a stumbling step back. His lips pulled into a tight smirk, amused by what was going on.

"You're.." She sucked in a breath, swallowing hard. Her eyes flicked between his and her parents laying lifelessly in their bed. "You're J-Justin B-Bieber!" She suddenly screamed.

The scream was full of fear and excitement at the same time. The intruder could assume it was mostly fear. Until it was full of pain. The knife was now deep in the chest of the little girl, her scream now out of agony. Then it was over.

The intruder pulled the knife out swiftly, wrapping an arm around her back and laying her down on the floor carefully. His mask hung from his neck, his eyes still staring into hers.

His voice, which had filled her ears in different ways so many times before, was the last thing she heard.

"I am."


Let me know what you think! Thanks guys :)

I'll update again asap.

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