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- Vic's POV -

These days it seemed like I was waking up in a strange place everyday, today it was a dark room. No light. This was definitely different though, the sounds of metal clanging, the air filled with a rustic and damp smell.

If I was in Heaven before, this must be Hell.

"Is anyone out there?" I called out not expecting to get an answer. I didn't.

After what felt like hours the temperature in the room seemed to rise about ten degrees instantly. The room looked the same, but it was obvious that there was someone here now.

"You're awake now, finally." said a female voice from seemingly nowhere.

I looked around and tried to make out the room but proved harder this time than the last.

I heard footsteps and the blinding white lights came on and illuminated the room.

I coward in pain from the lights, my eyes watering.

Once my eyes had adjusted I got a good look around the room, it was empty except for me, a table with what looked like various needles and scissors. I looked around for the source of the voice and whatever rustic material was making noise but no one else or anything was here.

Couldn't really expect more though, from a demon especially. I closed my eyes and the thoughts of Andy flooded my imagination.

He must be worried sick.

I couldn't help but feel remorseful honestly if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be in this mess, we could be home, I could talk to him and sing to him and we could form a life together. But now it was obvious there was no hope. 

"Hi, I'm Brea." said the voice again, the name meant nothing to me. The sound of flapping wings and shadows filled the room, when they stopped a girl stood in front of me.

A pair of long, black, decorated wings hung on her shoulders. She had long brown hair and was dressed in a long black gown.

Kind of impractical if you're a powerful demon assassin.

But this was not the time to be thinking of that.

"I don't quite think you know why you're here." she said almost mockingly.

I just nodded my head no, but I did have a vague idea. 

"Well you're here because you're special. Not because you and Andy had a thing. Well if I'm being honest that kinda had something to do with it, not the big picture here." she paused for a second and turned away from me, facing a wall. "You're special because you've been chosen to hold Lucifer as his vessel."

Chills went up my spine as she said so, I felt my body tighten up in restraint.

How was I, of all people chosen for this? Honestly someone else out there, this could be their dream but it had to be me.

But I knew the answer. In the back of my mind I knew exactly how and why.

"Now, I know we both know exactly who to blame for this unfortunate event. Clearly your boyfriend was being selfish when he went and 'fell in love with you'. That's why we have rules set in place. He was just a selfish machine." she finished.

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