Chapter Two

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I sat there in shock.

How did he know?

I folded up the note and put it into my blazer pocket, looked at Teagan then smiled. We played another few games of Sopio and Teagan won all of them even though I was close to winning some. I grabbed my bag as the bell had gone and said goodbye to the others. I looked at Max and smiled.

I made my way down the stairs and walked through the double doors which were to my left. I walked through the door to my English class and sat down in my seat.

“Hey Sam, how was your lunch?” I asked whilst getting my book out of my bag

“Yeah it was ok, sat by F block with Elle and Becca!” She said

“Nice” I said then smiled at her

I sat there thinking about the note and then got pulled back into reality when my English teacher came bumbling in.

“Hello everyone! Today we are going to carry on with our Frankenstein controlled assessment so please could you place your bags at the front and collect your work from the front table!” She concluded

We sat there in silence until five minutes before the end of lesson where we packed up all our things. I asked Sam if she was walking home and she said she was going home with Grace.

As soon as the bell rang, I paced out of the classroom and walked up the stairs to meet Teagan. Everyone had walked out the classroom and the last few people to come out where Max, Teagan, Dale and Ella. Max walked out first and I noticed he was looking at me and I smiled at him, he started to walk over and I stood up straight.

“Hey, what you doing?” he said in his husky voice. Man that was just gorgeous.

“Ummm I’m waiting for Teagan, you?” I nervously replied

“Well I was just gonna ask if I could escort you home, but you’re walking with Teagan...” He trailed off

“Oh! No I’m walking with Teagan to the gates as she has to go towards the mill but yeah it would be my pleasure if you do, I wouldn’t mind.” I blushed

“Ha-ha ok then! I think Teagan will be a sec...Oh look here she is now!” He exclaimed

“Oh hello you two! What you doing then Max?” Teagan said looking amazed

“I am actually walking back to Clarissa’s house with her!” Max replied in a gentlemanly tone

“Ohhh” Teagan said then turned to me and she smiled

“Right should we get going or Teagan’s going to miss her bus!” I said and walked off downstairs. I was greeted by Teagan and Max talking to each other and when they made their way outside they abruptly came to a stop and started laughing.

“Hey, why you laughing?” I asked looking confused

“Oh nothing, let’s get going!” replied Max

We got to the school gates and Teagan said her goodbyes and waved as she walked off towards the mill to get to her bus stop.

Max turned around to me.

“So light hair, blue-purple eyes and super human strength, you still want that?” He turned around and asked me

“W...what?” I stuttered

He leant down and whispered into my ear,


 * Sorry for the short chapter but I had loads of things to do! Hopefully next chapter is coming out tomorrow! *

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