Chapter 1

668 17 1

22nd January 1832

Dear diary,

after my parents death everything went wrong... I didn't eat, sleep even laugh... Depression all day long. I was thinking about suicide, but I know my parents would want me to be strong.

Yesterday I went to the forest behind our house. I reached the small lake and sat beside it, watching the surface...

I heard rumbling behind me, as I turned around behind me sat a puppy. He had black and white fur and bright blue eyes. 

He came to me and snuggled with me and I scratched him. When it was getting dark I headed back to my house and the puppy followed me. When I was in front of my door the puppy barked. I felt sorry for him so I let him in. I made him some food and he laid on a couch.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat intovanb arm chair and fell asleep. When I woke up I laid on the ground and the puppy licked my face. I started laughing. I decided I keep the puppy and I named him Sebby.

Hello fellas :) I'm really sorry for my english :D Hope you like it (just a litlle bit) :D

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