The fight

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I then met his friend they where allen the white haired one kanda the long hair guy is but his real names yu and the girl it name lena lee and the guy how help me was named lavi

He followed me to class to my locker then it was finally getting on my nerves

"Go away" I said

"No I was told to follow you" he said

"Why does it care no one not any one could care about me" i said

"Well i care" he said

"Well I thought you had a mission to attend too at here at this school" I said

"Yeah but the other are taking care of it" he replied

After class it was lunch all the girls and boys invited them to there table but they said they wanted to sit with me after lunch it was the end of the day I packed my backpack and I ran out but with the crutch so it was hard through the hall then out the door to get him away from me but I took the long way so he would some time he would stop following then I went to a forest activate I said to my self there my eye turned darker brown my red hair went down out of a pony tail and my ears where sticking up I got sharp dog teeth and my tail when put from hiding and my nail grow long and and sharp lavi then came ranninng through the forest I then notice I just turn my self into a fox again as lavi saw this me I thought he would be scared but thank god he could not tell it was me I then started to attack him because he would not leave me alone there came allen lenalee. Kanda did not care

Lavi activated his and used his hammer it to try to stop me

Lavi view

What is this thing ... It got red hair and ears a red tail teeth like a fox and a tail it look like half human half fox

Authors view

Swosh sky claw scrached lavi and allen and lenalee joined the fight

But then sky started to cry and fell to her knee with her face in her palms she cryed allen asked what wrong

Sky did not answer but still they could not tell how this person was... But then lavi lenalee and allen asked what wrong she then stop crying but got up and ran they fell for it she said she ran straght to a cave and they didn't follow her thank god she then deactivated her innocents and put her hair back and treated her leg

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