New feelings

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Jacks P.O.V

After helping Mr Fishbach, I stood outside the classroom waiting for the bell to go. When the bell went all the students rushed into the classroom and sat down in their seats. He started to write something on the board but I didn't read it because I was too busy thinking about his massive muscles. I could here my name being called but I just ignored it. Until I saw a figure moving towards my desk. I was snapped out of my thoughts from hearing the words," Jack, you have a detention with me this afternoon for half an hour!" " whatever" I replied rudely. "OK, make that an hour!" Mr Fishbach said.

Time Skip: to after school

I was about to leave school but then I remembered that I had a detention with Mr Fishbach. So I walked to room 1.9 where he was.

Sorry it is short :)

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