Everything's Not Alright (prologue)

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Again trigger warning. Please do not read this if you are triggered by the thought of blood and self injury. I do NOT in any form or fashion endorse, promote, or intend to glamourize Self Harm. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me on here or Tumblr (you will get a faster response on Tumblr as I am on there more). I will not judge you and I will help to my best ability. I have struggled with self injury in the past so I will know some of what you're going through. If you feel the need to seek professional help talk to someone you trust and they can help you in the right direction or if you feel you're at the absolute end please call the Suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255.

~*~*~*A/N: I am trying to clean this up and make it semi neater o.o. Please bear with me =3. Also I'm using the rumour that Ashton use to self harm.~*~*~*


I hissed in pain as the blade sliced through the skin on my thigh. Droplets of blood quickly pooled to the surface. I grabbed the blood stained washcloth and pressed down on the fresh cuts. "Melody? You in here?" A deep voice called through the door, causing me to jump and knock the razor off my lap. "Ye...yeah...I'm in here." I stammered out in a shaky voice. I watched with fearful eyes as the door knob twisted back and forth. 'Please lock don't fail me now of all times' I thought frantically to myself while scrambling to gather the razor and the little box. "Melody...are you alright? You've been in here awhile. And why is the door locked?" The deep voice called out again, inwardly causing me to jump and my heart to drop once more. "I...'m, I'm fine. Just checking out Tumblr. I...I locked it when I was...changing. One minute and I'll be out." I called back, my voice shaky as ever. The door knob jiggled once more before I heard a muffled sigh followed by an ‘Alright' and retreating foot steps. Letting out the deepest sigh ever, I quickly but gently pulled the cloth off of the fresh cuts on my thigh, thankful to see it clotted faster than the previous ones. Standing slowly from the bed, I made my way over to the bathroom to clean and bandage it. Afterwards, I went back to the room, gathered the razor, the cloth, and put them in my little box. I carefully and consciously put it back in its hiding spot and double checked to make sure I didn't leave any traces of what I'd just done to be found. When I stepped out into the hallway I could hear the loud noise from the boys down stairs. Taking a deep breathe in I quietly made my way downstairs to the craziness of these 4 boys.

~*~*ON HOLD!!! EDITING!!!~*~*Hold on Till May(Michael Clifford Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now