◾Absolutely Competitive

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'You ain't ever going to see another one...'

Beth (Jazz dancer) POV -
I'm so happy right now! We're dancing fantastically and I can tell the crowd is loving us! There is people all around of all different ages! This is amazing!

Carmine (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Although we have got a crowd around us. This does still feel wrong, but as Matty keeps telling me. It's for the good of the team and I do have A troupes best interests at heart.

Matty (Lyrical Dancer) POV -
I can't wait to get the Freshers soon! After this we are going to be unstoppable!

The trio got into their ending positions and the crowd continued to cheer and yell in appreciation. Carmine stepped forward to bow, "Thank you all!" She yelled in kindness. She turned back to the other when we're already gulping down huge slurps of water. "Okay I was wrong. That felt pretty good!" She said, looking at Matty.

He put his bottle down and smiled, "See. I told you so. It's just a shame it's all over now" He sighed, looking disappointed and down in the dumps.

Beth (Jazz dancer) POV -
It's not necessarily over yet.

"Guys it doesn't have to be over, We can go out into the Skate parks or streets" Beth rather stupidly suggested. It seemed even Matty was expecting that it was over now, "No Beth, as much I agree. I think we should stop now" He said, much to Carmine's surprise.

Matty (lyrical dancer) POV -
As much as I enjoyed this, It's time to stop before it goes to far.

"... Oh come on guys, don't be such wet blankets! Just leave this to me" Beth said, winning Carmine and Matty over. Suddenly they felt themselves nodding at her.

Beth (Jazz dancer) POV -
This is going to be great!

The Next Day
The Next Step - Studio A

"...Oh Yeah! You guys are on it today!" Kate yelled. This time around it was her turn to watch over the dancers while Emily was in the office. She was happy to see Carmine and Matty both in the same room and on time, absolutely killing each dance move.
At that point they were Rehearsing another group dance that they had come up with.

"Alright! Welldone everybody. Ollie just make sure that your turns don't come out of time with Sophia and Reece" The studio owner commented, "Other than that you're doing really well" She added.

Ollie (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Things have been going really well for me at the studio lately. Strangely I've found myself talking to Bethany a lot more and it's great. I never realised how much that we have in common.

"Hey" Bethany walked over to Ollie who was running his fingers through his thick brown quiff hair. He turned to notice her coming over. "Hey. How are you?" He asked, in his usual kind and calm state of tone. "I'm great. Did you see What happened on last nights episode?" She asked, they both seemed to watch the Same TV show.

Bethany and Ollie both found themselves in a long conversation as they waited to start the next dance. ".... Oh, you've been dancing really well recently" She said kindly. Ollie didn't know what to say, girls never really complemented him before. "Oh um, Thanks" He said. "No problem - I think we're going to rehearse now so we should go back over"

Bethany POV (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Ollie and I do get on really well! He's great to have on the team!

North deck - Skate park

"So... Why have you brought us here exactly?" Carmine asked, She was standing in a very busy Skate park with Beth and Matty either side of her. "This is where we will dance next" She explained. "Just like yesterday" Beth added.

Beth (Jazz dancer) POV -
I'm also here because this is where James took me on our very first date ever so I'm just cherishing the memory.

"So. Let's get dancing - eh?" She said, excitedly putting her bag down on the floor and switching in the ipod docking station. But something didn't seem to be right, they weren't attracting a supportive crowd like last time. Instead these rough looking girls and boys marched up to them and halted the dance in its progress.

Carmine (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
Okay so, Who are these people?

"What are you doing? This is our turf!" One of the boys, presumably the ring leader of their whole entire gang. "Honey, We're dancing" Beth answered, not intentionally meaning to but sounding very sarcastic. "You call that dancing? What are you?" He replied back. His attitude deteriorating very quickly.

Carmine (Dance Captain) POV -
I can see this getting really out of control so I feel the need to step in.

"I'm Carmine, The Next Step Dance Studios Dance Captain" She introduced herself. They all laughed. "The Next Step? We've never heard of The Next Step!" he continued to laugh and jump around erratically. "Oh you will have done -"
2 Regional and National titles, 1 international Title and 1 Multinational title. We also are the home 2 time Miss National Soloist and We have Mr and Miss International too - So We're pretty well known" Carmine said.

"Well We're Street D'z!" He said back, his gang leaning in forward. His tone of voice was very threatening, "Let's battle!" He said, the A troupe dancers looked at each other in shock, they never asked for this.
"Why do you want to battle? We're standing in a skate park so what!"

Carmine (Dance Captain) POV -
Honestly, I do feel very intimidated. We never wanted to be in this situation. I don't want to battle!

Matty (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I was so down for yesterday! But dance battles? They just end in tears, I know from experience.

The Next Step - Studio A

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
I'm so angry with Carmine and Matty. They are missing from rehearsals again and Freshers is coming up VERY soon! This is not acceptable!

"Where are they?!" Kate huffed angrily and paced from side to side. Emily was already calling her brother but there was no answer from him, much to her annoyance. "Still no answer from him" She said, putting her phone back down on the side.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
I'm very shocked at Carmine and Matty. This is not what an A troupe dancer does, they need to be here 100% Commited to every rehearsal.

North Deck - Skate park

Matty (Contemporary Dancer) POV -
I'm getting really worried now. I've got 2 missed calls from Emily and Beth has got into a massive dance battle with some of the guys and it looks like she's going to fall anytime soon.

"Beth! Enough!" Matty struggled to get her attention over the loud rock music that was coming out to Street D'z Speaker. There was no way A troupe could compete with these dancers. They were almost Semi Professionals! "I think We should just go" He Turned to Carmine who was agreeing with him.

"Yes, I agree..." The Dance Captain was cut off by the sound of Beth screaming in happiness. It seemed that maybe A troupe could take on those types of dancers because the gang leader was out of breath and out of moves. Beth went over to help him up. "We're the next step - Absolutely Competitive!"

Next time - A troupe heads to the First Freshers! How will the trios dance out of the studio affect A troupe?

A/n: Spa this Chapter is kind of a filler but I'm keen to know what you think. It's the first Freshers Dance Extravaganza (Qualifier) next chapter and I can't wait for you to see what goes down. Enjoy!

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