◾ Uncharted Territory ◾

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Hunter (Break dancer) POV -
I'm standing in the studio right now, just taking it all in for the last time before we head of to Regionals and I'm so excited. So much has happened to the studio and some of its nearly tore us apart. But we got through it and we're stronger than ever!
Sophia comes into the studio to fetch me and I'm just so happy to see her.

"Alright Hunter, the bus is here... So let's go to Regionals!" She smiled, taking her boyfriends hand and walking first out the studio and bringing him with her. There was no use in backing out now, they were on their way and they knew they wouldn't come back without a trophy!

Regionals Venue - Region 8

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
We're walking into the Regionals venue and we're all so happy to finaly be here. The first thing we noticed when we got here is the size - this place is huge compered to the regionals venue we are used to.

Dancing at Regionals in another Region was a good thing for A troupe deep down, this was new territory for them, with new teams that they had never seen before. But it did mean one thing, A troupe wouldn't make it to 3 straight Regional titles in a row, now that they had gone to dance in another region, it was if they had reset and would have to start again.

"Okay, this is the first step to get to Nationals! C'mon A troupe, let's get signed in to the competition" Kate turning out of the group huddle and walking over to the man at the desk. James and Riley would be meeting them later on during the day. Waiting in the queue was a long process, "Too bad we had to come to this Regionals, if we went to the other one... We could have Bypassed the line" Emily sighed.

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Note to self 'Never Waste a line bypass!'

"Hello, I'm Miss Kate, this is Emily and we're here to sign in for the next step" Kate said, smiling as the man as he flicked through some paperwork and found the studio's registration document. "Ah yes, there you go" he said, putting his signature down on the tab. "Who are you putting forward the Free Spot competition?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, What free spot competition...

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
The Free spot competition is where all the teams nominate a dancer from their team to represent their entire studio.

Emily (Head Choreographer) POV -
Usually there is 32 Regionals competitions around the country and 64 teams at Nationals. But this year, the Absolute Dance Network have only produced 31 regions because of a twsit.

Sophia (Dance Captain) POV -
So before Nationals, their is a competition for the last National spot open to all the teams that went to Regionals but got eliminated. So if we're eliminated. We're still within a chance of Nationals after this. A great Idea really.

"Alright team, who wants to be on the Free spot competition? Melody? Okay then" She said, after a few more moments of paperwork. He finally dismissed them, "Great. That's all done. Welcome to Regionals!" He said, Kate turned back to the team, "We're finaly Registered!"

Miss Kate (Studio Owner) POV -
Regionals here we come!

Regionals Venue - Auditorium

After signing in, A troupe made its way to the stage wings. The auditorium was empty as the competition hadn't started yet, no one in sight apart from the odd cleaner here and there, making the room look ready. "Oh my days.... This is amazing...

The Next Step ~ Regionals 3 Where stories live. Discover now