Contest #1: Results

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Here are the results for our water themed contest! I loved every entry and I'm happy that you all entered! Without further ado, these are the winners!

Prizes will be awarded to the top three authors of the top three stories (if you have entered multiple stories, only one may be selected for a prize, although all are eligible), and to a few honorable mentions. Prizes are as follows:

Honorable Mentions: @AlternativeTart gets an honorable mention! Dean's overall distaste for rain was great, and I really liked the ending. A problem I had with it was your time skips, though. A simple dash would serve the same purpose, and you could easily convey how much time had passed within the first couple of sentences following the timeskip. Overall, the story was great! A vote and shoutout on my personal account is your prize.

3rd Place: Third place goes to @purgastory-!Your story was very, very nice if I do say so myself. I especially loved when Cas dropped his water and Charlie yelled. Your prize is 3 votes and a follow from my personal account.

2nd Place: Phew! I had a difficult time deciding this one. The person who wins second place is @hedwidgeomfndm. I loved how well you incorporated the theme, and I can always go for a little Christmas cheer! Your prize is a follow on both destielfanficrec and my personal account, and votes for 5 chapters of your choice.

1st Place: The overall winner of the contest is @winkcollins! Your story was awesome, and kept me completely concentrated on it. I was eating a bowl of cereal while I read it, and before I knew it, I had finished the bowl. That sounds weird, but it's true. The cereal just disappeared. It was very sad, up until the very last page. It still ended happily, though. I love how you waited until the very last second to make it happy, and still pulled it off so well.
Your prize is the two aforementioned follows, a vote for 10 chapters of your choice, and your winning entry will be permanently featured on our "Contest Winners" Reading list, along with a shoutout on my personal account. I will also review your winning entry as a new chapter on our Destiel Fanfic Reviews story. You can also help  judge the next contest if they wish to do so. Please send me a pm if you wish to help.

Thanks again for all the entries! The next contest will be up either later today or tomorrow.
~ Chin_Up_Winchester

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