Contest #2: Jump Scares

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If you weren't aware, IT'S HALLOWEEEENNN. That's right, Halloween is not just the 31st, it is ALL OCTOBER LONG! Duh. So, in honor of this wonderful holiday, the theme for this contest is jump scares. Just like last time, you can incorporate this theme in any way you like. Anything from a simple "boo" to straight up murder is chill with me.


- PG13 (Uh, for the most part. Just don't rewrite the chair fic and you'll be fine. Cursing of both the verbal and magical kind is allowed.)
- You WILL be judged on your grammar! Please do not enter something that is indecipherable.
- Please follow the contest theme.
- Steer clear of unoriginality. No one wants to read the same story fifteen times.
- Entries MUST have been written within the given time frame. You may not enter stories you have already written.
- You can enter a maximum of THREE stories. However, you will only be eligible to win one of the three prizes, but a second or third story may receive an honorable mention if you won with a different story. Please make it clear how many stories you wish entered the first time you enter.
- Please keep your entries in between 300 and 5000 words. Keep in mind that a longer or shorter story is not more likely to win.

1) After you have written your entry, comment on THIS chapter the exact title of your entry. If your entry is a chapter in an existing contest, one-shot, or short story book, please include that information. Your book will be added to the Contest Entry reading list once it has been entered.

2) Add the tag "#destielfanficrec" to make sure I see it, and if your story has not been added to the reading list within a week of your entering, please PM me so I can add it.

3) I will read each story that is entered, no matter how early it is posted. If you post it an hour before time's up, you will have the same chance at winning as someone who entered a week earlier.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three authors of the top three stories (if you have entered multiple stories, only one may be selected for a prize, although all are eligible), and to a few honorable mentions. Prizes are as follows:

Honorable Mentions: A vote for your winning entry and a shout out on my personal account.

3rd Place: A follow and votes for 3 chapters of your choice.

2nd Place: A follow on both destielfanficrec and my personal account, and votes for 5 chapters of your choice.

1st Place: The two aforementioned follows, a vote for 10 chapters of your choice, and your winning entry will be permanently featured on our "Contest Winners" Reading list, along with a shoutout on my personal account. I will also review your winning entry as a new chapter on our Destiel Fanfic Reviews story. The winner can also help judge the next contest if they wish to do so.

Tl;dr Everything is pretty much the same as last time, but with a different theme.

Good luck to everyone who wishes to enter!
~ Chin_Up_Winchester

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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