Chapter 1

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 It was October 15 when this happened, and it's a night I'll never forget. It was Saturday and Daniel, Alex, Sarah, Kate, and I decided to go to Mia's house to hang out. We were talking about what we should be for Halloween. "I'm gonna be myself because nobody is as good-looking and incredible as me," Alex said as we walked up the stairs. I rang the doorbell waiting for it to open. "What are you gonna be?" they asked me. I shrugged my shoulders as the door opened. "Hey what are you all doing here?" Mia said as she motioned us in. "We were bored so we said 'hey let's see what Mia's up to'," I said slightly sarcastic. She just rolled her eyes. "Come on," she said heading upstairs. We followed sitting next to her game console. We started playing C.O.D, while the girls did whatever.

After beating them 4 times we turned to see the girls whispering. "What y'all talking about?" Daniel asked. "Something you wouldn't be interested about," Sarah replied sassily. We all burst out in laughter at Daniel's face. "Hey, have y'all heard the rumor?" I asked looking every single one of them in the face. They all shook their head. Well except Kate. "Rumor has it that at the abandoned subway by the Main street, there's a monster hidden there. Two teens went down there 2 weeks ago but never return. Cops just called off the search never checking that subway," Kate explained. Kate's a bit of a nerd when it comes to horror stories. She swept her dark brown hair to one side and pushed up her glasses.

"We should go there tonight," Alex said. "As much as I would love to, I have to go with my parents for 5 days," I said sadly. "Or is it because you're scared?" Daniel said. "Whatever. If y'all survive tell me how it went," I said putting my phone in my pocket while standing up. "Where are you going?" Kate asked curiously. "I got a text from my mom. I have to go shopping," I shuddered at the word. "Well, see you later," They said. I muttered something under my breath before I walked down the stairs opening the door letting the cold air splash my face. I walked the direction of my house.

Kate's POV

I sighed as I laid back on Mia's comfy bed. "So what time should we go to the subway?" I asked. "Somewhere close to midnight," Sarah said. "What do you say, Alex?" Daniel said. "I don't know. When our parents are asleep," he shrugged. We all gave him a sarcastic look before he went downstairs. I looked at Mia as she combed her blonde hair. Once Alex returned with a sandwich and cup of soda, I started playing some ominous music. "What if we go and the rumor is true? What if we never exit and end up like those teens? What if it kills...." I stopped and turned to Mia who looks afraid, "Blondes!" I yelled attacking Mia as she screamed her head off. The boys started laughing their butts off along with me. "That wasn't funny!" she shouted angrily at us. "Okay seriously though, what time should we leave?" Alex asked. "How about 9:45 or 10:20?" I asked. "10:10 to be safe," Sarah said. "Where will we meet?" I asked. "By the subway," Daniel replied.

We all left after a while to get ready. I brushed my hair into a ponytail after putting my contacts in. Don't want my glasses to fall off and die if it's real, you know. Wearing all black, I had shorts with tights, a long sleeve shirt, and my converse. I checked everything in my bag. "Flashlights, batteries, and video camera and camera batteries," I said digging. I stood up and walked to my phone which was on the charger. I checked the time and it read 10:15. "Oh crap," I said quietly. I tiptoed downstairs after making a dummy. I opened the front door quietly and shut it locking it. I texted them saying 'On my way ; -)'. As I walked down the dark scary street, I looked at the Halloween/ fall decorations.

I got text messages from them; Alex, Mia, and Daniel said 'I'm already there', while Sarah said 'Me too' with a happy emoji. As I came upon the subway, I saw them with Mia and Sarah's backs turn to me. Alex saw me and I put my finger to my mouth to keep him silently and he looked away. I snuck up and said, "Boo," in their ears. They jumped screaming. I started laughing at them and Alex chuckled lightly. After I stopped I asked where Daniel was and they all shrugged. Before I could turn around, I heard a boo in my ear. I jumped hitting whoever in the face with my elbow. They groaned in pain and I turned to see Daniel. "Serves you right," I said walking towards the entrance of the subway digging in my bag for a flashlight. I scrunched my nose up at the repugnant smell.

I turned my flashlight on and looked around and they did the same. I saw spider webs, some dirt on the wall, and dried up blood. My flashlight then found part of a leg, like a woman's leg. I followed it up to a body and found guts everywhere. Blood on her face with a permanent face full of fear. Her stomach ripped open along with her shirt with nothing inside and a puddle of dried blood around her torso and head. My face turned into disgust making me make a gagging sound. They looked at what I saw. Mia gagged turning around, Sarah did the same, Daniel and Alex just scrunched their face up. I stared at her eyes. They were a dead blue; the way they look, you could tell she was crying and the way her face stayed in place. "Do you know what this means?" I asked. "No," they said in unison.

"It means, the rumor is true," I said happily. I pulled my video camera from my bag and pressed play. They gave me an 'are you serious look'. "Or it could be a crazed serial killer. We're leaving," Alex said. "Well I'm staying," I said walking deeper down the tunnel. "Wait!" I heard them shout. "We're not gonna let you go alone," Daniel said while dragging Alex back.

"I would've," Alex mumbled. They all glared at him. "Do you know why they closed this off though?" Sarah asked. "Nope there weren't any news about it, trust me I checked. It's like they didn't want anyone to know," I said. We went deeper into the subway. I saw a couple more bodies that were like the girl's but more old and decayed.... and smelly. We heard a low growl come from further down. "A wolf?" I shrugged laughing nervously. "That was no wolf I should know what one sounds like, I live close to the woods!" Sarah yelled. Then a louder growl echoed throughout the subway as the sound of something running towards us.

Before any of us could run, Sarah was pulled back into the darkness dropping her flashlight which rolled around on the ground. She was screaming which was fading fast. We ran following the screams as best we could, but when they stopped we did too. "Sarah," I called out. We spread out a little walking slowly forward. I moved the camera around but only saw dead bodies. I then heard Mia scream as something landed by her. We ran towards her. We saw Sarah's body, her eyes showed pain and fear, mouth wide open, tears stained her face, and her stomach cut open. Her organs are removed and there was blood on her orange hair, porcelain face, and clothes. I wiped the tears away from my face, a sob threatening to come out.

Mia was a crying mess. "Let's go home," Daniel said. We helped Mia up. While Daniel had Mia's arm around his shoulder, I closed Sarah's eyes and mouth and followed them. I shoved my camera in my bag after turning it off. As we walked out we heard a faint growl echo. "We're going back," I said. They all looked at me like I was crazy. "No we are not," Alex said. "You've seen what it did to Sarah, it could happen to all of us. While you go kill yourself, I'll be home in bed where I belong," Alex argued. "Fine, I'll go by myself and kill the thing that killed Sarah and all the other poor souls!" I shouted storming off towards my house. As I entered my house quietly locking the door and setting the alarm, I picked a movie and brought it to my room. I put it in the DVD player changing into my sleeping wear. I sat on my bed holding tightly the bear Sarah gave to me on my birthday. I cried myself to sleep only for memories of Sarah replacing the one place I thought I could escape. My dreams.

Here is a short horror story. My brother helped me with the description and I owe him big thanks. Thank you for reading it and I will try to post another chapter soon.

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