Chapter 3

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Ok so not as gory as I or anyone wanted, I'm sorry. But this first part will be enough I hope that it will satisfy you all. Fyi I will put S.S for shape shifter when it, is the point of view.


I grabbed another one of her kidneys ripping it out. The light went out of her eyes after I ripped the first one out. I set that kidney by the first one. "Kate. You will leave a very special place in my heart," I said. "Though you didn't live through this process, I'm kinda disappointed, aren't you?" I asked, not that I was expecting an answer. I then pulled out her lungs, then her stomach, intestines, anything else, then I grabbed her heart. Her red heart. I set it down and washed my hands of the red substance. I picked up her body and walked out the door. "Kate!" Daniel's voice yelled. Perfect, I thought. I carried her body to the perfect spot. I'm not gonna throw her like the others. I feel a little remorseful.

I set her body on the ground. I shifted to a cat and watched as they stumbled upon her body. "Kate!" Mia yelled falling to the floor crying. Daniel started cussing under his breathe. "Mia, lets go," he finally said. I shifted human and walked away.

Daniel POV

I can't believe she's dead. Why did she go? She knew she couldn't defeat it. I noticed something in the corner. I flashed my flashlight towards it. It was Kate's recorder. I walked towards it and picked it up. I put it in my bag and carried a crying Mia again. "You said she wasn't dead," she kept sobbing. We made it out of the subway and I walked her to my house. She quieted down by then. I carried her upstairs and into my room. I set her down on the bed. She managed to take her shoes off. After a while she was asleep. I went to take a shower. I felt so dirty. So many people died and two of them are my friends.

I feel like their blood is on me. I knew we should've never went. After I finish putting my clothes on, I walked back out and grabbed Kate's camera from my bag. I started playing the videos she had on there. At first it was memories, Like our birthday or being at the cafe. Then it turned to when Sarah got killed. I could feel tears stinging my eyes begging for release but I didn't let them fall. Then it went to Kate's. She was screaming for it to come out. She got startled by a cat. She turned back around and I saw a faceless person like slenderman but not. Then it goes on recording a whole bunch of nothing. I then noticed a little shadow with Kate's body in their arms. It passed the camcorder but it came back. I saw who it was as it shifted before hearing Mia's hysterical screaming and crying. Again.

That's when I picked it up. "Can't having you blowing my cover now can I?" a voice said before knocking me out. I woke up to the sound of a knife being sharpened. "Hello. Daniel." That voice. I tried to move my arm but I couldn't. I couldn't move at all. "I learned from Kate that it would be easy to escape so," it said. "Muscle relaxer." I watched as it continued sharpening the knife. So sleepy. "You see. I wouldn't have killed you but you found her camcorder and saw my face, and I can't have you go telling everyone," it said.

"Why did you kill Sarah then?" I asked. My voice was hoarse. "Y'all came on the wrong day. I was having blood lust and well Sarah was just unfortunate and Kate-" It stopped. "I couldn't resist myself," It replied. "Now it's your turn." It stopped sharpening the knife and brought it to my neck. I tried to move, but I couldn't. It's laugh filled the room. "Sorry Daniel but your time has come to an end," it said cutting open my stomach. I screamed in pain and agony. "Music to my ears." "You're psychotic," I yelled. "I am aren't I?"

I felt it's hand going inside my stomach and pulled out what could be my kidney. It hurt so much. It's maniacal laughter. Is this what Kate, Sarah, and everyone else felt? "AAH!!!" I screamed as I felt my other kidney getting ripped out. My vision is blurring and I'm starting to lose more filling in my body. Is this what death felt like? All the pain and suffering we experience or experiencing disappear?

Who do you think the killer is?

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