Chapter 2

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This chapter is gonna be a little more gory than the first chapter so
You have been warned.
Fyi this is still Kate's POV

I woke up to the sound of something sizzling. I sat up, got off my bed, and walked out my door to the bathroom. After I finished, I walked downstairs. My mom said hello and and I replied with silence. I sat down and stared at my plate. It had bacon, eggs, and grits on it. I grabbed my spoon and started eating slower than usual. As I finished, my mom asked me a question. "Kate?" she said questionably but still firm. I looked at her and said, "Yes?" 

"Are you alright?" she asked. "Just tired," I lied. "Mhmm." I got up from the table and put my plate and spoon into the sink full of dishwater. I walked out the kitchen and back to my room. I closed my door locking it. I grabbed some clothes and decided to take a shower. After I finished putting everything on, I walked out my room through the front door. I texted Mia letting her know I'm coming over. She didn't even reply. I knocked on her front door. Her mother opened it and she looked worried. "Hello Kate, come in," she said with a fake smile.

I walked in and was about to go upstairs when her mother stopped me. "Can you bring this up to her?" she asked. "Please?" she pleaded. I took the bowl which contained fruit. She nodded a thank you before going to her room. I walked up the steps and knocked on her door. I heard mumbling coming from the other side of the door. I turned the door knob only for the lock to restrict it to open. "Mia," I sorta yelled. "Kate?" I heard. Her voice sounded strained. "Can you unlock the door please?" I asked softly but still where she could hear me.

I heard her door unlock and the door open only to see Mia looking terrible. Her blond hair was in a messy ponytail, her usual bright green eyes are now duller and emptier than normal, and her radiant face is covered in her mascara. This hit her much harder than I imagined. I walked in and hugged her as she cried. I closed the door with my foot. She let go of me after a while. I locked the door back for her guessing she would want that. I handed her the bowl of fruit and she just put it aside. I picked it back up and said, "Eat." My voice was firm but soft. 

She looked at me then the fruit. "I'm not hungry," she said about to put it down again until I said something that she know I'll do. "I will feed you myself if you put it down one more time." She grabbed the fork and stabbed it through one of the fruits. She glared at me with those dull green eyes before putting the fruit in her mouth. She tried to hide the happiness but failed miserably. "Not hungry, right," I mocked. She once again glared at me.

"Go clean yourself up Mia, you look a mess," I said. She nodded as she started walking into her own bathroom. I rummaged through her drawers and closet until I found something nice for her to wear. I texted Alex and Daniel to meet us at Mia's favorite coffee shop and they responded with alright. After a little while Mia got out and put the clothes I laid out for her on. I combed her hair back into a ponytail but alot better than she had it. She was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt with a shirt over it showing a happy emoji, dark blue jeans, and boots. I grabbed her jacket and mine and we went out her door. "Hello Mia," her mom and dad said. "Hello," she replied putting the best fake smile she could give which was pretty good unless you knew her to well. We walked out the door and down the street to the coffee shop she likes. As we walked in, we were greeted with the smell of coffee and sweets. "Hey," we heard. 

We turned to see Alex and Daniel. We sat down at our usual booth and started talking about whatever until our favorite waitress came by. "Hey guys where's Sarah and the mysterious person you're usually with?" Donna asked. We all cringed when she said Sarah's name. "They went out of town," I said quickly. "Oh, you want the usual," she asked. "Yes please and a slice of red velvet cake," I said. She nodded walking away. Donna has long brown hair that ends in her mid back, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin. She's fit and has a good temper but don't upset her or you will feel her wrath. I looked at Mia to see if she's alright. "I'm fine," she said plastering a sad but genuine smile. We nodded and continued on talking until our stuff came. "Thank you," I said smiling and she nodded. 

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