Woman Wept

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Chapter 16

Bad Wolf's Return


"The Doctor took me to this planet a while back. It was much colder than this. They called it Woman Wept. The planet was actually called Woman Wept, because if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, like all curved round. It sort of looked like a woman, you know, lamenting."

- Rose 

Season 1; episode 11



While the Doctor was distracted with some reptiles on a space ship set to have a meeting with some missiles, I made my way back to Mels in Ledworth. The TARDIS had barely finished materializing when Mels burst through the doors, still wearing her cap and gown and carrying her diploma, a grin the size of Texas planted firmly on her face.

I frowned. "Oh, I missed seeing you walk!" I exclaimed unhappily and sarcastically.

Mels shrugged and waved me off. "You didn't miss much. I basically ran across the stage, don't think I stopped to shake the principal's hand, come to think of it..." she mused, then shrugged. She tossed her cap aside, shedding her gown as well, revealing she was in jeans and a t-shirt with a leather vest over it underneath.

I raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to wear a dress or something under that?" barely holding back a smile of my own.

Mels rolled her eyes. "The deal was I'd graduate. And I did. Don't go picking on my clothes now."

I laughed, then grinned at Mels. "Alright. Rules first," I ignored Mels' groaning, "First rule: don't wander off. Second rule: no interfering with fixed events or anything that might damage the time stream, and yes," I narrowed my eyes slightly at Mels, "that means no killing Hitler." Mels huffed and looked away. "Third rule: please, for the love of pete, don't bring any one on the TARDIS. Your parents would kill me, if something ever happened and, frankly, your mother frightens me."

Mels looked interested now. "You knew them personally?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm rather close with your father. Not as much with Amy, but I'd like to think we're friends. Moving right along!" I said loudly to stop Mels from asking questions. "Fifth rule and last rule: do what I tell you," I said seriously. "If I say that we have to leave, now, then we leave. Even if it means that someone will die, or something bad will happen to a planet. When I say we're done, we're done. Understand?" Mels nodded, though i got the feeling it wasn't going to be as simple as that. "Right then. We're off!"



I had just dropped Amy and Rory off at their home, and was back on the search for Rose. It was amazing how much more i was finding in the search for her now that i knew the names she'd been using.

I started planet hopping, looking for any signs of Rose. I talked to the locals, and several times, they told me about a mysterious woman who went by Larentia or Accalia, who had saved them from disaster /tyrannical leaders/monsters/plague/the list went on and on. I couldn't help the proud smile that spread across my features every time I heard someone singing my Rose's praises. She'd helped so many people in such a short time...that was my Rose, always had to help those in need.

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