A - Z [ zanechan ]

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yeah so i found this challenge not too long ago so i thought i'd try it out! all super duper short and non related ficlets (?) all based off a prompt word/phrase. tbh a load of hc's are in this so be warned - the music is not needed, but i felt it fitted the theme of this. keep it on loop! also warning: when you get to O, don't look up any of the words used. it may lead to... unexpected results. ]

A = Aitaiyo ( I want to see you)

A small smile grew across her face as he rambled onward about his day. Her cheeks grew rosy with every passing minute. With him away in some country far away (Germany this time), she only longed for him to be there with her.

"Aitaiyo..." she mumbled into the receiver.


"Nothing, nothing..."

B = Baking

Bowl? Check. Eggs? Check. Pocket-sugar? Check. Kawaii-chan almost had all the ingredients to bake the perfect cake, but she felt something was missing. A finger grazed her chin as she straightened her posture. Her marigold eyes traced the small kitchen from the top cupboard to the gritty tiles on the floor. All of a sudden, it hit her. 

"Decorations!" she mused. Swiftly she moved to inside the pantry, pulling out her basket of assorted pastry toppings and icing sugars. Plonking the heavy basket beside her bowl, clawed hands traced over the lids and bags. In the end, she'd picked something rather out of character for her: A creamy white icing which tasted of vanilla and small black rose bud toppers. The meif'wa gazed upon her selection proudly, only to be interrupted quickly.

"Black? Kawaii-chan I swear you've been spending too much time with Zane..." it was Katelyn. The warm feeling that had been growing in her chest suddenly dropped to below zero upon hearing the comment. 

"Katelyn-sama~! That's not true!" she whined. 

C = Cake

She inspected the box carefully, then promptly asked "Did you, bake these yourself?"

Before he answered, he pulled the mask on his face further up his face in an attempt to hide his growing blush. He continued to stare at KC, whom was inspecting the box of small, pastel pink cakes. "Yeah. As a thanks in a way..."

"For what?"

"For actually being my-" Irene he couldn't believe he was actually saying this"-friend. Genuinely."

A gleeful grin made it's way onto her face, her auburn eyes turning into saucers. "These cakes look great Zane-kun! Thank you so much!"

D = Double Date

"Aphmau-senpai! Kawaii-chan doesn't think this is a good idea anymore! Kawaii-chan want's to go home!" she complained, fiddling with the hem of her silver dress. 

The brunette next to her brushed off the comment and sighed. Giving her meif'wa friend  a playful nudge she replied "Relax KC! I'm sure Zane will think that you look adorable!" Aphmau glanced to the side, to the quaint Italian restaurant besides them. It was already littered with patrons. Her heart twinged slightly upon realizing that her raven haired bestie certainly wouldn't like the crowd.

"Besides," she mumbled. "It's what he tells me anyways..."


F = Frills

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