Meanwhile: Back in Pacoima

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                                               There was a knock at the door

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                                               There was a knock at the door. Ritchie went to open it. "Hey BOOB!" Oh greaaatttt. It was Donna's wonderful, wonderful, and kind, yeah, kind father. Notice the sarcasm?

                                                     "Oh, hello, fellow boob." Ritchie said. "I hope your day has been wonderful as your personality." Nice one Ritchie thought. 

                                                   "I came to ask you to stay away from my daughter again." Short, angry (funny sounding) German said.

                                                           "Okay, number 1: You've tried before with this and it hasn't worked, and I have no idea why you think it will this time. Number 2: We've done things that can't be erased." Ritchie ran his fingers through his hair and scratched the back of his head. "So, what is the reason this time, old man."

                                                  "Because you're dirty and Mexican."

                                        "I take a shower every other day, so I don't know how I would be that dirty. And you think you white people are so perfect. You see Jerry Lee Lewis? He married his 13 year old COUSIN. Also, what's up with that funky ponytail in the back of your head?" Ritchie asked and tilted his head.

                                           "Its a style." He said slightly insecure. Ritchie groaned and rolled his eyes. He slammed the door.

                                                  "Ritchie! Mario's back on the shelf!" Connie Jr yelled. Did we mention the shelf was like, 6 feet above the floor, nailed to the wall?

                                                     "What? Why can't you get him down?!" Ritchie shrieked.

                                               "I'm not tall enough!"

                                                 "I'M NOT EITHER, THAT'S WHY WE HAVE STEPPING STOOLS!" Ritchie started running towards the kitchen. "GOD, MARIO! THE TORTILLAS AREN'T WORTH IT!" Ritchie grabbed his baby brother and took him down. He set him on the couch. "Man, I wonder what Bob's doing right now." Ritchie pondered.

                                                   "No lo se. (I don't know)" Connie Jr shrugged. 

                                           "Why am I the only one mom didn't teach spanish?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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