Chapter 6

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The day went by slowly as Drake tried to find things to entertain me, I was being overly difficult about it all because I wanted to test his limit. This is a side I’ve never seen of Drake before – usually he’d have given up by now and gone away or used his effect on me to get sex and although he’s made suggestive comments he’s never pushed on them, it was always to be funny or get my attention if I’d spaced out for a minute.

I was starting to take pity on him now because he was running out of ideas; we’d been walking around the garden or field might be a more accurate description for at least an hour now. It’s huge and open, ranging as far as the eye can see in a southerly direction... it occurred to me a little while ago that I have no idea where I am, this castle thing could be anywhere, but out here I can smell the sea.

“We could... watch a film”? He tried still throwing suggestions at me.

“Drake, can we go to the beach”?

His head snapped around to look down at me in surprise. “How did you know we were by the beach”?

“I can smell it”.

“Can you”? He asked surprised yet ever so slightly impressed.

“Mmhmm, please Drake can we”?

“You won’t try to do a runner on me”? He questioned arching an eyebrow.

“There’s no point you’d catch me”.

“It might be a little nippy for you this time of year”.

I rolled my eyes “I grew up in Dorset I’m familiar with the cold and wind that comes with the sea”.

“True, alright then although I didn’t really want you out of the house... but they wouldn’t dare if I’m with you, besides it’s private land anyway I’d know if someone was there” he was muttering to himself but I‘d heard every word and I was both curious and slightly anxious.

“Who is they”?

He looked down at me again with a painted smile “No one sweetheart, come on” he said holding out a hand to me again.

I will swallow my curious side for now because I’d really like to see beyond the confines of this place. I took his hand and instead of tugging me forwards to end of the garden so we could walk down to the seaside he just looked at me.


“I’m waiting for permission”.

“Permission to what”? He's never asked permission for anything in his life.

“Well, it’s going to take a while to get there if we just walk so I was wondering if I could perhaps persuade you to let me ‘run’ us there”.

“What do you mean 'run' us there”?

“I pick you up and use my extra skills to get us there quicker”.

I made a face “The last time you did that didn’t end well” I reminded him.

“That’s because you weren’t holding on tight enough”.

I shook my head remembering the incident perfectly - I may as well have thrown myself from a car on the motor way for all the impact I had, well would've had if Drake hadn't caught me.

I shut down the conversation “No”.

I crossed my arms over my chest and screamed when he scooped me up in his arms and held me tightly to his body. Too afraid of letting go and him taking off to actually hit him I held tighter and hid my face in his neck.

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