Not getting used to being alive again...

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Your Pov:
You woke up and saw frisk sitting there waiting for you to wake up.
You get up and asked
You:"Frisk, How long did I pass out for?"
Frisk:"About 3 hours or more"
You:"WHAT?!" You said with a surprised look
You:"We better get moving! We need to complete the mission!
*You Get up then you suddenly felt dizzy*
[SIT BACK DOWN] or [Ignore the dizziness and move on]

If you chose SIT BACK DOWN you read this:
You complained: "Ugh, I don't feel so good."
Frisk ran to you with a worried face: "Y/N are you okay?!"
You said with a smile:" Ya I think but I'm just not used to ya know being alive again?"
Frisk said:"Oh do you want me to be your support?"
You: "Sure! And thanks."

If you chose Ignore the dizziness and move on you read this:
You tried to ignore the dizziness but frisk could see that your suffering
Frisk:"Y/N are you ok?"
You put on a fake smile and lied: "Y-Yes"
Frisk ask with a sassy tone :"Y/nnnn are you lying to me?"
You said with a worried tone:"N-No...A little..."
Frisk glared at you: "Y/nnn Tell me the truth"
You:"FINE, I feel a little dizzy" you mumbled at the last part
Frisk said with a grin on her face:"what? I didn't hear you y/n~"
You:"I feel a little dizzy..." you said louder
Frisk said:"huhhh~"
You:"be quiet you heard me" you pouted a little
Frisk:" alright fine, do you want me to be your support?"
Frisk said:"Hey Y/N you might need some clothes"
You looked at frisk as if she was crazy but then you looked down and saw that your clothes all you had on was a white dress that's now dirty and ripped. You were about to scream when suddenly frisk shoved clothes in your mouth.
"HMPH" you mumbled
"Here take these" Frisk said
You didn't bother to say anything so you took the clothes and frisk turned around.
Once you were done frisk turned around facing you and frisk said happily
"Hehehe I knew those clothes are going to look good on you!!" Frisk smiles
You were very embarrassed and yet happy you were wearing:

Once you were done frisk turned around facing you and frisk said happily"Hehehe I knew those clothes are going to look good on you!!" Frisk smilesYou were very embarrassed and yet happy you were wearing:

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And frisk was wearing:

"Umm frisk how did you get these clothes?" You asked"Well A nice lady was giving free clothes so I got one for me and one for you!" Frisk said smiling "Oh well le-" you were cut of when frisk pulled you up an literally pulled you out the door you ...

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"Umm frisk how did you get these clothes?" You asked
"Well A nice lady was giving free clothes so I got one for me and one for you!" Frisk said smiling
"Oh well le-" you were cut of when frisk pulled you up an literally pulled you out the door you could tell that she was filled with DETERMINATION to get the mission done on the other hand you were filled with  HOPE to save all humans and monsters. Once you walked out the door you saw people with sad look upon their faces.
You wondered: wow, I wonder what might happened to this town? Has it been really that Lon-
Someone interrupted your thoughts and said
Random person:" HEY WATCH IT YA GIRLY "
You noticed that frisk accidentally bumped into the guy he looked kinda drunk...
You quickly said:" S-S-Sorry sir it was an accident! She didn't mean to!"
Random person:"Tsk, whatever."
(When I do this it means your thinking)
Wow that guy seems ticked off some how...
"Y/n, y/n, Y/N!" Frisk yelled
"Ahh-! I mean *ahem* yes frisk?" You said snapping back to reality.
"My legs hurtssssss~" Frisk complained
You sigh and put frisk on your shoulders
Frisk lets out a small giggle and you smiled a little

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-TEM SKIP-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
It was night time and you and frisk were staying in a small shack near Mt.Ebot
Every time you look at Mt.Ebot you feel like there's something more like  someone that you need to rescue...
But you don't know who or what to save...
Meanwhile frisk was happily sleeping on the ground.
*Sigh* you glanced at Mt.Ebot and soon fell asleep.
Hey guys I hope you enjoy ImmortalityTale x reader thank you so much for the views!!*Hugs*
And I'll see ya later my friends! :)

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