The rumors...

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You woke up and when you looked around you didn't see frisk anywhere!
You Jumped up off the floor (that's where you've been sleeping) and You just throwing things across the room trying to find frisk. Suddenly you hear a cute small voice behind you. You turned around to see standing before you was...FRISK with a bag in her hands.
CHOOSE ONE [yell at frisk] or [Hug frisk and cry]

IF YOU CHOSE [yell at frisk] YOU READ THIS:
Frisk jumped a little you've never screamed at anyone you always try to keep your cool
Frisk looked like she was about to cry "S-sorry, I-I was trying to get food and some nice people gave me some....Sorry for leaving without you knowing..."
you let out a long sigh and you bend down at frisk's level and wipe her tears away
"Shhh it's okay just don't do that again you had me worried...But thank God your safe."
Frisk makes a gentle smile and said:
"Don't worry I won't!"
You look at frisk with a smile
"You wanna eat?" You asked
"S-sure!" Frisk said and giving you the bag.

IF YOU CHOOSE [Hug frisk and cry] YOU READ THIS:
You ran to frisk with tears in your eyes, you held frisk you didn't want to let go.
"(Y-y/n)? Are you okay and why are you crying" Frisk said with a confused face.
"You had me worried...I thought someone kidnapped you or Worst!" You started to sobbing in frisk small shoulders.
Frisk had a guilty face and said
"I-I'm S-SOO sorry I didn't mean to make you worry...I thought I would get breakfast!"
You looked at frisk with a smile and poked her head
"Frisk your just to sweet"
Frisk smiled and gave you the bag
"Hey y/n can I tell you something?" Frisk asked
"You just did" you snickered
"Y/nnn I'm being serious!" Frisk said rolling her eyes
"Hello I'm being serious I'm y/n" you said giggling
"HMPH" frisk said puffing her cheeks out.
"Fine, what is it?" You asked
"I heard a rumor that many years ago monsters was punished for all the sins that they committed. They sinned more than humans!" Frisk said
Your eyes shifted to frisk with a confused look
"Soo where are they now?" You asked
"I think they are in the mountain MT.Ebot?" Said frisk, while continued eating her bread.
"Should we help them"Frisk asked with a confused look.
-CHOOSE ONE: No or Yes?-

If you Choose NO you read this:
"WHAT?! HELP THEM NO!" You said shaking your head from left to right
"But y/n it's our quest to save all humans and including monsters!" Frisk said with a sad look
"But I can't help them! You know the last time we helped them! They killed her!...I can't trust them." You said crying.
Frisk stands on her toes reaching for your face trying to wipe the tears away.
"I know what they did, but every one deserves a second chance! Just trust them a little just for me? Frisk said while hugging you.
You sigh in defeat.
"Fine, I'll only trust them a little" you mumbled the last part.
Frisk seems happy and pulls you out the door.
"W-wait where are we going?" You asked
Frisk replied with a smile "Going to save monsters and humanity!"

If you choose YES you read this:
You hesitated a little because it's hard to trust someone when they killed a loved one.
You thought: every one deserves a second chance, right?
"S-sure" you smiled
"REALLY?!" Frisk seemed surprised
"I-I thought you would say no...Because of what they did."frisk said
"Well, every one deserves a second chance right? And a happy ending!" You said while hugging frisk
Frisk lets out a giggle
You put frisk back down and frisk starts pulling you out the door.
"h-huh, were are we going?" You asked
Frisk puts on a smile and says
"Going to save monsters and humanity!"
You giggle and looked at the sky and then at MT. Ebot

Seeing MT.Ebot fills you with Hope.

??? Pov
"Ugh, its sooo boring and hot down here." I complained
"HEY YOU!" Said the lords minions
"Tsk, what do you hot heads want?" I said coldly
"The lord has a quest for you." The minions said
"What kind of quest?" I asked
"You'll just have to wait and see what the lord have in stored for you" the minions said before disappearing.
"Ehh a quest huh? Well, I might as well get going." I thought
{.Tem skip.}
I finally made it here I sigh in relief.
"I heard you had a quest for me m'lord?" I said
"Yes, indeed I have" said the lord
"May, I ask what is it?" I asked
The lord grinned "Were going to interfere gods plans with humans and monsters."
I also grinned "Ahh I see and what do you want me to do?"
"You know your Twin y/n?" Lord said
"Ahh how can I forget that little 'Angel'."I rolled my eyes when I was saying 'Angel'
"Well as you see" the lord points at the fire "They are going to save humanity and monsters so they can go to 'Heaven' but I don't want that.And I need you to try convince your 'Angel' twin to KILL EVERYTHING IN HER PATH" The lord says in his evil voice.
"Heh, sure thing m'lord" as I said before I teleported to the surface.
I thought: "Well, y/n let's play a GAME shall we?" I giggled
Word count: 958
(Comment if you see any errors)
Drawing made be meeee!

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