State Alchemist and a Locket

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(A/N: Looks like I lied about writing the story in first person point of view. Now the story will be told in second person! Enjoy readers!! P.S: Thanks for all the favorites and nice comments!! :D)

*Bark! Bark!*

"Be quiet, Den." The door to the Auto Mail Rockbell shop opened, revealing Pinako Rockbell. "Don't bark at our guests-" A soldier with short black hair and piercing coal eyes pushed his way through, followed by a young woman with blonde, pixie-cut hair.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Rockbell." he said.

"Wha- hey, you! What are soldiers bursting in here for?!" Pinako demanded.

"My apologies, we heard that the Elric should be here so..." the young woman said, following the man.

The black haired man and looked around the house. Then he spotted Edward in a wheelchair, Alphonse, in a suit of armor, right behind him and you by his side in the corner. His gaze hardened and he walked briskly up to Edward. He picked him up by the collar.

"We went to your house! What was that over there?!" the man demanded. "What did you make?!" Edward didn't say anything but just looked down as a shadow fell across his face.

"Let him go!" you yelled at the man, fists clenched. He directed his gaze at you and his eyes widened. Shock were in his eyes.

"... Mary?" he whispered. But you didn't hear him. He had said it far too quietly for you to even hear it.

"Put him down! Please..." Tears started to fall from your eyes. "Please don't hurt him! We're sorry about what we did... We didn't mean it... So just..." You put your hands to your face and started crying. Alphonse came up to the black haired man and gently laid his hand on the man's arm that was holding Edward up by the collar. The man pulled his gaze away from the crying you and focused it on Alphonse.

"We're sorry. Please forgive us." he said. "We're sorry... we're sorry..." Alphonse started shaking. If he could also cry, he would be doing so right now. "We're sorry..."

"Wait, are you..."


"This is a surprise."

Now, Granny Pinako, the soldier, who had introduced himself as Roy Mustang, and Edward, Alphonse, and you, were in the dinning room. "I heard that there was a brilliant alchemist here, so I came to see him," Roy looked at Edward and you. "but I never imagined that two children like this could ever perform human transmutation, imperfect though it was," He then looked up at Alphonse. "and even bond a soul to a suit of armor. I'd say the two of them are both more than qualified to become State Alchemists." He looked at Pinako.

"Once they become State Alchemists, they will have to serve as a soldier in the event of an emergency, but at the same time, they will receive various special privileges, and research of the highest level will become possible for them. They may even find a way to get their bodies back, or-" Pinako cut him off by slapping her pipe on the ash tray.

"After they came stumbling in here, covered with blood, I went over to their house. What was there... What was there was not human!" Pinako yelled. "Is alchemy what created that horrific thing?! I'm against it! Would you have these children go through hell again?!"

"Mrs. Rockbell, I'm not forcing them to do anything. I'm just offering the possibility." He turned and spoke to the two of you. "Whether to move forward, or whether to stay still. Will you end your days in despair, or will you seek the possibilities, and bow to the military? If the possibility is there, you should move forward, in order to get your bodies back. Even if the way is ahead is through a river of mud."

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