Chapter 2:The reasoning

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"GAAARRRR"the garchomp roared across the lab after that it flew up in the sky heading towards prismtower. "Garchomp!!"Sycamore exclaimed "pikachu thunderbolt now!"ash ordered "pika pika... chuuuuu!""Weavile night slash"both the lighting bolt and purple auraed scratch like attack collided."ill take care of the two head back to base!"Grunt 1 ordered "RIGHT"both other Grunts said in union.
"looks like its just you and me...Pikachu Iron Tail!"A steel layer corvered pikachu's tail

"Weavile Night slash then ice beam!"The weavile blocked the iron tail with its nightslash then imedetly followed up with ice beam.
"PIKA"Pikachu took massive damage at the point blank range of that ice beam."Pikachu!"ash exclaimed"can you still battle?""Pika PiKA"Pikachu said with determination
"ALRIGHT pikachu use electo ball"
"Weavile dodge it!"But it was too late weavile was hit"grrrrrr! Weavile night slash" "Pikachu dodge and use thunder bolt"

The night slash missed and weavile was hit with a powerful thunder bolt at point blank range.weavile became unconscious
"WEAVILE! Grrrrr your useless return...we'll meet again ketchum"as the grunt ran off
"Ash you alright?!?"Sycamore asked in concern

"Yes im okay..but i need to stop garchomp"ash answered

"Alright be safe, ill be repairing the lab."

"Right"ash said


While watching the news"Hey mom?"Serena asked
"Yes serena? "Grace answered still looking at the tv.
"Do I have to train everyday for ryhorn racing?"
"Well i meen if you have anything better to do I wouldnt mind... (too much)."grace answered but mumbled the last part while turning her head towards serena.
"Well I was thinking I can go on a jorney"serena questioned

"...uhhhmmmm isn't a bit dangerous to go traveling
Alone?"Grace wondered

"Dont worry mom, ill be safe"

"Well......okay fine you can go." Grace said in defeat looking back at the tv.
"Thanks Mom!" Serena said in joy
"So when will you start?"

"Ummm i was thinking tommarow, by then I should be packed."

"Okay well get pa..."grace started but was cut off by something on the news.
"A mysterious figure has just approached prism tower and is wearing some sort of robe.

"Hey serena look at this"grace said

"He seems to be trying to get garchomps attention..."

" he looks like he sent out a greninja and is running towards garchomp."

"Hmmm this is interesting" serena said
"Shhhhh!"grace scolded
"Sorry"Serena whispered

"The mysterious robed figures pikachu just fell of and he seems to be jumping at it!"

"Whaat!!!!"serena and grace said in union.

Suddenly a big veil of water surrounded grenija and he went after ash when he caught up to his falling body it changed its apperence and caught ash landing him safely.

"What the..."grace said supperized
"Woaahhh how " serena stated equally as suprised

"Thanks to this hoded figure we are all now safe!!!"
"That was close" serena said
"Indeed"grace responded

"Alright im gonna get packed up"

"Okay you do that"


"Officer you have to let me past!"
Ash stated

"No, im sorry but this is to keep you safe" Officer jenny responded

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