Chapter 22: Not At All Expected...

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Hey everyone! no the chapter is not about something i didnt expect so dont ask. anyway enjoy!

Clemont:Looks like anistar city is in site.

Ash:Good I want payback for them kidnapping greninja.

Xavier:Well first we get him back THEN the revenge will take place.

Ash:It'll be great revenge too, not only did they fuckin take greninja, they took zygarde, stole a massive amount of electrical energy, and...

Serena:OOkay Ash calm down we'll stop them.

Korrina:Also what has you all of a sudden pissed off Ash? Before you were atleast controled.

Ash:sorry just this ride is giving me time to thing about all the damage they've done.

Clemont:well all damages will hopefully be fixed after this mess is over.

Xavier:true but can we now think of where we'll land?

Ash:Well Clemont what does your machine say now?

Clemont:umm it has readings of somewhere by the pokecenter.

Korina:well how about we chill at the pokecenter untill morning then continue the search because its probably midnight by now.

Serena:i didn't even notice but sure im down...Ash?

Ash:*sigh* fine.

Clemont:Ill go too.

Izy:Well then well all order some rooms then.

Korina:yeah finaly we can sleep.

*Entering the pokecenter*

Izy:Ill order the rooms okay, any seperate room requests?

Serena:Well i was hoping to have time off with Ash. So honey do you want to share a room?

Ash:Sure! Id love to.

Izy:Okay so 1 room for you guys 1 room for me and xavier...Clemont, Bonnie, And Korrina you sharing?

Clemont and Korrina: Sure.

Bonnie: Cool! (mumbled)and i can get him a girrl frieend.

Clemont:*Embarrassed*Bonnie Quit It!


Izy:Okay then 3 seperate rooms then. ill go order.

Ash: Hey Serena im gonna heal my pokemon okay.

Serena:Okay love you!

Ash:I love you too!

Xavier:Ill come with Ash.


*At the counter*

Ash:Hey can you please heal my pokemon, they were hurt in battle.

Nurse Joy:Of Course! Ill have your pokemon rested up as soon as possible.

Xavier:Mine to please.

Nurse:Okay anything else?

Ash:No and thank you.

Nurse:No problem.

Xavier:well you wanna just talk as we wait for our pokemon?

Ash:sure what about?

Xavier:well i just wanna know about your past adventures.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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