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Kasey! Guess who's coming to town!!!

Uhm.... Marilyn Monroe?

Seriously?  Ugh. You drive me nuts. No, dummy. One fucking direction!!

Oh.  Them.

Don't you Oh them me.

You realize that makes no sense without punctuation.

Can you maybe be a little excited?

OMG One Direction!

Thank you.


Anyway! Guess who won two tickets?

Kim possible?

Dammit kasey. Focus!

Okay. Okay. Tell me.

Me!! And you. Are. Coming. With. Me.
Consider it a birthday gift.

I don't have a choice, do I?

No, not really.

Fine. When is it?

Tomorrow night!! Sleepover weekend?

Sure. It's not like my folks will be home anyway. They called, they are spending another month in Mauritius.

:/ I'll be over in an hour. Kay?

See you then.

I sighed as I flopped down on my bed, dressed only in a towel. My hair was still soaking wet and dripping down my skin onto my plain navy comforter.
I was glad my best friend, Claudia, was coming over. Even though I gave her a hard time, she was pretty much the only person I could tolerate.
I had grown up with my parents being away all the time and I was homeschooled until freshman year of high school.
Claudia had been my neighbor since I was two. She was my only friend.
Tired of being alone, I asked if I could go to the same private school as Claudia. My parents agreed, I think they were hoping I'd make a better friend that Claudia.
My parents weren't her biggest fans.

They thought she was just floating through life, I admired Claudia. She didn't care what people thought of her or said about her.
She knew what she wanted and she got it, every time. Her family wasn't as well off as mine, so she had to actually work for what she wanted.
Me on the other hand, my parents just threw cash at me to apologize for their absence.
It was whatever.

I opened my closet door and pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top. Staying barefoot I went downstairs. Harold, our butler, was there making dinner.
"Claudia is coming over." I smiled at him.
"That sounds fun." He grinned. He loved Claudia. Harold was more like a father to me than my own dad. He was funny and British.

He was making macaroni and cheese, with bacon and chicken. All from scratch. Harold made the best food in the world. I watched as he began to grate some cheese.

Trying to ignore the tightness in my chest. Day after day, I felt the familiar tightness. Like I was forgetting something, or something was missing from my life. I just couldn't figure it out.
It laid heavy on my shoulders. I felt as if I were carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I watched the clock, waiting for Claudia to get here. She always seemed to make me feel better, or at least temporarily forget life and it's challenges.

My senior year would be beginning in just two weeks and I was already stressed about colleges. My parents expected me to get into Ivy League schools, just like they did.
But to be honest, I didn't really want to be anything like my family.

There was a faint thud then the door flew open.

"Honey! I'm home!" Claudia yelled as she shut the door, well, more like slammed the door behind her.
"It's about time." I giggled, Claudia's auburn hair was a curly mess and her blue eyes were filled with excitement. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.
She was adorable, there was simply no other word to describe it.

Claudia dumped her armful of bags and looked at me sheepishly.
"Is that your entire closet?" I asked, stifling a giggle.
"I don't know what to wear!" She laughed.
"Are you two planning on going out?" Harold asked, raising his eyebrows at us. His lips twisted into a goofy grin.
"We have One Direction tickets for tomorrow evening!" Claudia yelled. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway. Her excitement was a nice refreshment from my day of silence.
"One direction, you say?" Harold asked, looking lost in thought.
"Yes! Only the best band ever!" Claudia laughed.
"I believe my Nephew is in that band, he will be coming over on Sunday for lunch before they leave." Harold smiled.
"YOU KNOW SOME ONE IN ONE D?!" Claudia screamed.
I winced at the sudden loud noise.
"Can we maybe not make Harold go deaf?" I joked. "Or me, for that matter." I muttered.
"Kasey, stop being grumpy. Harold says he knows one direction!" Claudia grinned.
"Who?" I asked, not that I'd really know. I don't think I can actually tell them apart.
"Harry." Harold smiled. I nodded, trying to picture him in my head.
"OMG." Claudia said, her mouth gaping open. She looked a bit like a fish.
"I should call him and let him know you guys will be there, maybe he can score you better seats or even backstage passes. If that's what they are called." Harold said, taking 3 plates out. He dished up for everyone.
Harold and I ate dinner together every night. He believe it gave me a form of structure.  It was my favorite part of the day.
Claudia was quiet while we ate. Which was a first for her.
"Is she okay?" Harold asked, noticing the stark difference in her.
"I believe she's in shock." I giggled, Harold chuckled, shaking his head.
"Would anyone like some Apple crumble?" Harold asked as he cleared our empty plates.
"We would love some." I grinned.
I looked over at Claudia, her big eyes wider than ever before.
It was definitely shock.

Princess (A DDLG Lifestyle Novel) (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now