Chapter 1

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"I still can't believe you're moving." Emily says to me as I'm getting my last bags from my room.

"I mean who is going to sneak out with me during the night and talk about my boy troubles as we go buy ice cream? Who is going to wake me up in the morning by jumping on me and yelling in my ear? Who's going to comfort me when my parents are constantly fighting? Jennelle I can't do this on my own.."

She chokes back a sob and tears start welling in my eyes for the third time today. My dad is a lawyer and his boss just opened a law firm in Manchester UK and his boss wants him to start it up and get it running. So we're leaving our comfortable one story house in St. Augustine Florida, and moving halfway across the world. In the beginning of my junior year of high school.

"Emily, I'm going to miss you so much. But I already told you, You're coming over for matter what."

She nods her head and pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much"

"I'm going to miss you too."

She helps me grab the last two bags and head down the hallway. I take one last look at my room I lived in for seventeen years and close the door. 

Emily helps me load my last bags into the cab where my parents are waiting for me. I turn to her for the last time and tears begin to well in my eyes. I quickly try to blink them away as I pull my best friend into a hug. We're both holding onto each other so tight that neither of us dares to let go. The cab driver huffs rather loudly signaling us to wrap things up even though I don't want to. I pull away first and see the tears coming down Emily's face and I use my hand to wipe her face. 

"I'll see you soon okay?" I reassure her while wiping the tears that have fallen from my eyes as well. She nods her head and sniffles and walks to my parents to hug them as well. She's basically a part of the family so I know this is going to be hard on them as well. We wrap our little sob session and begin to pile into the cab. I wave goodbye to her as we pull away and my dad kisses the top of my head. 

"Everything is going to be okay Jennelle."

I really hope it is. 


This is edited because I thought the first chapter was shit so here it is. All the chapters in the beggining are short asf bc I didn't know what I was doing but I'm in the process of editing to make them less shitty.

So please have patience. Thannks!

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