Chapter 36

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I can hear faint voices whispering as mind my swirls as I come back from unconsciousness.

"She's waking up! Everyone shut the fuck up!"

I open my eyes groggily and try to stretch my aching hands but they're restrained behind me, held by a thick rope. All eyes are on me as I look around frantically for a familiar face but see none. Where am I? Why is everyone here? Someone clears their throat and everyone steps aside to let the person through. Her jet black hair is tied back slick straight into a pony tail with bangs hovering over her eyes. her almond eyes scrutinize when she sees me and stops suddenly and fiddles with the gun strapped onto her hip. She paces back and forth in front of my chair.

"Who are you working for?"

She kneels down to my level with my frightened eyes and I shake my head rapidly.

"I-I'm not working for anyone." I stammer rapidly and blink multiple times to make it seem like I'm not about to burst into tears.

"You're in Vipers territory , you know that? You're lucky we didn't blow your little brains out then and there. So I'm going to ask you again. Who are you working for?"

My mind swirls with confusion and anger as I put the pieces together. Zayn, coming here,territory, guns. Oh god. Zayn's in a gang.

"I swear I'm not working for anyone!"

She grumbles and pinches the bridge of her nose with frustration.

"Well I tried being nice. Now I'm not going to."

She whips out the gun from her hip and aims it between the middle of my eyebrows. My blood runs cold as I predict what she's planning on doing. I'm going to die. She's going to kill me. My eyes spring with tears as everyone begins to disperse. They probably see this all the time and are used to it. Or maybe they just don't want to see my body splattered across the floor.

"You have one more chance or else you're done." She barks rudely and I only think of the reason I stumbled here in the first place.

"I was just looking for Zayn" I whimper as she freezes for a split second and looks around the room until she locks eyes with Dylan. I never knew he was in a gang also.

"Dylan,Go get Zayn now." He nods and rushes out of the room in search for Zayn.

Tears are streaming down my face rapidly as I look down at my lap, afraid to look into the woman's eyes. My ears instantly perk up when I hear the familiar voice coming down the hallway.

"Jennelle?" I look up to see Zayn's reaction. His eyes are filled with what seems like endless emotions. Anger, fear, relief, sadness.

"Zayn!" I cry as he rushes over to untie my hands and he pulls me into a hug once my hands are free. I cry onto his shoulder and his hold instantly tighten around my waist as he runs my back soothingly.

"Shh, Shh, I'm here babe. Every things fine, you're fine. You're safe."

He whispers in my ear and I nod my head in his shoulder. I don't care if I'm staining his shirt. I'm just glad that he's here.

"I'll give you two a minute." The girl mutters as she begins to walk into another room.

"Thanks Natalie."

Zayn grabs my hand and leads me outside to his car and I can feel every ones eyes fixed on me, burning through my back. I let go of his hand once we reach his car and lean against the passenger side door.

"You're in a gang." I state so cold that I'm surprised it came out of my mouth. "I'm dating a gang banger." I can feel him trying to lock eyes with me, but I avert my gaze purposely and he runs a hand through his hair and sighs sadly.

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