Chapter 16

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I grab my lunch from the line and follow Zayn to where we're eating. The food that they give us is okay but it could be better. I ordered a sandwich with lettuce, ham , and cheese with mayonnaise. Zayn ordered the opposite. He ordered turkey, with cheese and no mayonnaise. We both grabbed a Sprite and headed to where Anna was sitting.Zayn's pretty cool to her and they barely argue. Once we sit down she smiles at us. She's sitting with her girlfriend Amber. Amber looks up at us and smiles.

"Hey guys. ! Whats up?"

We set our trays down and sit. Anna and Amber both bring lunch so they get to pick a table first. That's better for all of us because when Zayn and I step out of the line, mostly every table is packed. We sit at the far corner in the back of the cafeteria. Zayn and his friends sit with us once in a while but not all the time. Zayn is the only one out of his friends with so many tattoos but they suit him. Dylan and Austin are bickering about the stupidest things and Zayn rolls his eyes at the sight of them and steals a sip of my drink.

"Hey! You have your own!" I tell him and he just shrugs his shoulders.

We finish eating and start heading back to our classes. Dylan and Austin say bye to us as they head the opposite way and the rest of us walk in the other direction. Anna drops off Amber at her class and gives her a quick kiss. I blush and look away while Zayn rolls his eyes.

"No PDA during school hours" Both of them look up at Zayn and stick up their middle finger, which makes Zayn laugh.

"Hey I'm just trying to help you guys out. " he puts his hands up in surrender and grabs my hand so we walk away from them. He walks me to my world history class and looks down at our hands intertwined before quickly slipping his hand out of mine.

" I'n going to entertain you with my snapchats so be prepared." He says as he pulls me into a hug. I just laugh and nod my head. I enter my class and take my seat where I usually sit-in the middle of the classroom. The teacher is explaining to us that we have a project due in two weeks. We have to do a collage and an essay about a big point in history and we could choose what ever topic we'd like. We have to be assigned partners and I groan. I really don't want a partner. I'd rather prefer to do all the work on my own. The teacher starts calling out the pairs that she already choose.

"Jennelle and Matt, you two are partners for this project"

I mean that's okay I don't really know Matt that well but this is a good time to get to know him. Matt gets up from his seat and walks over to where in sitting and sits down next to me.a

"I'm glad we're partners. I don't really associate with anyone else in this class. He says as he takes a look around the classroom.

"Yeah me either. you're the only person that I know in this class." I mumble and he smiles.

We both begin discussing about the project and which house we're going to do the project at. We settled on my place. We exchange numbers when the bell rings and he walks me out of class.

Once I am out of the class., Zayn is already waiting for me. Of course.

"Hey." He says with a smile but it quickly falters when he sees Matt walk out behind me. "I never knew Matt was in your class.

"uh yeah you did. I already told you that. We're working together for a project and he's coming over to my house tomorrow." I state and I look up to Zayn and see his jaw clench.

"Well I'm gonna go?" I say awkwardly as we head out the front doors to go home.

"Alright. I'll um text you later on." Zayb pulls me into a quick hug and let's go before walking off. What the fuck?

"Jennelle I'll text you tomorrow." Matt calls out to me and I smile and nod my head. I can see Zayn stiffen but quickly shakes it off and continues to walk away.


Edited version 3/1/15


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