Chapter 2 Meeting the men

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I must've had the most terrified look on my face anyone has ever seen as the faceless men slowly came closer. The man huddled in the corner behind me screamed whereas I was speechless. Suddenly I felt a cold draft on my neck, at first I thought it was because I was scared but no. There was a small hole in the wall of the old rotten wood of house, without thinking I stared kicking at it furiously trying to make it begin enough to crawl through. What seemed like hours of kicking I kicked just the right part and a huge chunk of the wall crashed down. I grabbed a rotten piece of wood and hit the faceless man that was closest (I'm guessing the leader) and knocked him to the ground. The other 4 stopped where they were so I charged at them knocking each of them to the ground then quickly turned to the strange man, still huddled in the corner, and grabbed his arm dragging him to his feet and out the broken wall into a overgrown garden which further led to woods only lit by faint moonlight, just enough to see a few trees in front at a time.

After what seemed like an eternity running away from the house before more faceless men came we stopped to catch our breath. We must've ran about 2 miles, well away from woods. We looked around us then both at the same time said "where are we and what now?!".


RunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon