Chapter 4 Going inside

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We walked around the building a few times looking for a way in because the doors were locked and there were no broken windows which was unusual. Back out in the woods we picked up thick sticks in case we ran into anymore faceless men but luckily we didn't. We used the sticks and started trying to break a window which already had a small crack in it. After only a few hits the window shattered but still left small shards firmly in place which we had to knock in before we climbed through. The windows were extremely dirty but still clean enough to let some sunlight into the building, just enough light for us to see where we were going.

Since it was an old shopping centre we thought it would have what we need in the way of supplies. After walking around for a while to our surprise we came across a camping shop where we were able to get backpacks, warm jackets, a tent, torches with batteries, rope, gloves and to our surprise survival knives.

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