Chapter 3 The Abandoned building

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We walked and walked for what must have been miles, by the time we stopped to take a break the sun was up and we were back into a forest. Although something was wrong.....the birds weren't chirping...there were no leaves rustling in the wind. It was sort of...strange...the forest was almost too quiet. We decided the best thing to do was keep walking and hope to find food and water or even better...civilisation. By about noon we were so tiered and hungry we could barely keep ourselves up, every step was more and more of a struggle and with ever second that passed our bodies grew more tiered, hungry and painful. All of a sudden the forest ended and led into a field. It was no ordinary field though, it had what appeared to be a shopping centre in the middle of it. Shopping centre meant people and that meant we could get help. After seeing what was only a few hundred metres in front of us we went from walking to jogging and as we got closer we stared running. Although by the time we actually got to the shopping centre we realised something, it was abandoned. That could only mean one thing....the only life inside would be!

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