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Words can't explain how much I missed Y/n. Everyday I would wondered what she was doing or how her life was going, if she was happy stuff like that. So when I first saw her on mtv and all over social media I freaked out.

She had a huge glow up. In high school she had braces, short hair, lots of pimples and she was short and looked scrawny but she was pretty strong. Now y/n has perfect teeth and hair down to the middle of her back. She is tall and looks super fit with no pimples at all.

And when I was hugging her and I felt her abs and her strong arms around me. I felt so safe like I could have stayed there forever. I miss her hugs SO much. Everytime I was sad or angry she would hold me and I would calm down so quickly.

"So you two know each other" asked Annika

"Yeah we go way back" said Y/n with a small smile

"Thats so cool! Where do you know each other from?"

"We lived across the street from each other and went to the same high school. We used to be best friends" I said smiling wide as I said the last part

"What happend" she asked

"Lauren moved to Canada"

"Oh.........well now we are going to play the game" Annika rushed out


"Im scared" said y/n while laughing

"Me too"

"Ok so here are your paddles and the first one is never have I ever swam naked in a pool or beach with someone" said Annika

"I have" said y/n and I said at the same time

"Ok next never have I ever had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex" Annika said with a huge smirk

Me and y/n looked at each other at the same time then quickly looked away

"I have...." I said slowly

"Omg" she said looking between y/n and I

Y/n laughed nervously and slowly shook her head

Annika understood that meant to just let it go and move on

"Ok next never have I ever made out with someone in the backseat of a car"

"I have" y/n said

"Oh really? With who?"

"A friend" y/n said quietly

Annika eyed her suspiciously

I got this wierd feeling inside me that I couldn't identify, but I do know that I no longer like whoever that friend was.


I know that this is crapy but dont worry, im just having trouble coming up with what to write so if you have any ideas let me know. ☺

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