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Lauren POV

I tried to tell myself that the feeling isn't jealousy. That maybe it's just because I haven't had my coffee yet.

Why would I be jealous?

"Next one is never have I ever yelled at a little kid I didn't know" Annika said

We all started laughing

"I have" I said

"Details?" Annika asked

"One time I was on a plane and I was sitting next to a lady and her son. I was sitting by the window, the boy was in the middle and then the mom by the isle." I said

"For the first like 20 minutes of the flight we didn't say nothing to each other, but then boy tells his mom he has to go to the bathroom. But the mom said that there is somebody already in the bathroom. Then he starts screaming and crying saying he has to go to the bathroom. Then after like 2 minutes of that the guy in the bathroom finally came out and she took him to the bathroom but he still had the juice box that the flight attendent gave him in his hand and as he was trying to get up his juice box  squeezed all over me. So I yelled at him. Then he peed on himself. So I felt horrible" I said finishing my story

Everyone was laughing

Once everyone calmed down Annika asked if y/n ever yelled at a kid. She said no but I dont believe that because we both have very low tolerance  for stuff like that.

"So that's all the time we have for today folks hope you enjoyed the show" Annika said into the camera

"And cut"


"You guys are really cool maybe we could hangout some time" Annika said before walking away

I turned to Lauren and tried to find something to say

"Do you want to hang together and catch up" she asked

"Yeah sure. My place?"


"Give me your number i'll text you the address" I said


" 7 o'clock? "


"Ok see you then" I said then hugged her

She hugged  back and said "bye"

I got in my car and drove home.

Once I got home I walked inside my mansion and asked Maria and Jamie to make sure the house is super clean because Im going to have company.

"Where's King"

"He's in the backyard" Maria said

I walked to the backyard and as soon as I stepped outside he jumped up on my leg.

"Hi boy! I missed you!" I said to my puppy

King is my dog. He's a Husky and german shepherd mix. I adopted him a few months ago and immediately fell in love with him.

I picked him up since he's  not that big yet and brought him up stairs to my big bedroom to change my clothes.

I set him down on my bed and told him to stay there. I walked into my over sized closet and looked through my clothes and couldn't decided what to wear.

I wanted to wear something nice but I didnt want to look like im trying to hard to look nice also.

So I called my bestfriend Dinah

Me: Hey

Dinah: hey y/n. I saw that interview today that you had with Lauren!

Me: oh

Dinah: oh? Thats all you have to say!?!?

Me:well thats sorta why I called you she's coming over tonight to hang out and I dont know what to wear

Dinah: why do you care? She is your best friend just wear something. Its not like it's a date. Right?

Me: No! Dinah of course not. But I just don't know what to wear.

Dinah: what time is she coming over?

Me: At 7

Dinah: Ill be there in 10 minutes

Me: ok

I hung up and waited for her to come and help me.

(Knock knock knock)

I basically ran to the door and opened it. Dinah and some other girl were there.

"Y/n this is my girlfriend Normani"


"Oh hi I'm y/n"

"I know I'm a big fan of you" she said

"Thats cool.....oh come in" I said then moved to the side to let them in. Then I led Dinah and Normani to my room.

"You have a really nice house" Normani said


Once we finally got into my room King was still on the bed but now he was wrestling a pillow.

"Omg a puppy!" Normani squealed

"His name is King" Dinah said

"Alright well lets get you an outfit " Dinah said

(1 hour later)

"You look great" Dinah said with a proud smile

"Alright well we should get going" Normani said

"Thank you so much for helping me" I said

They helped me pick the pefect outfit

They helped me pick the pefect outfit

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"Your welcome. And I'll see you tomorrow" Dinah said and gave me a hug

"Bye it was nice to meet you" Normani said and also gave me a hug

"Bye" I said then they were gone

Now I just have to wait until 7 o'clock


I hope you like this chapter 🤗☺

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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