Chapter 1: Painful Memories

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    "It's so cold." you say to yourself. You were walking on the sidewalk of a snowy area. It was these day most of all that you hated. It brings back a horrible memory. 'flashback' "mommy, what's going on?" you say to your mom who has a horrified look on her face. "oh, nothing sweetheart just that your daddy and I are having an... argument with another family right now." You take a look at your older sister, who was giving your mom a glare (you were holding on to her). Then took a look at your younger sister, who was clinging on to your mom in fear as to what was going on as well as having her eyes tightly shut. BANG! is what you had heard as it made your heart jump because you father had been down there. You mother gasped and ran downstairs. Your little sister still holding on your mom had gone down with, and your older sister being as stubborn as ever had ran after your mom.

You sitting on the bed (yes you're in your bedroom) was to terrified to move so you sat there, until you had heard yet another loud BANG! Then you had heard banging on your door so you quickly and quietly as possible ran to behind your desk. You sat there crying while biting your hand to make sure you were being as quiet as you could. The two people came in scanning the area. 'They must be stupid' you thought seeing that they keep on walking past you. One person was a girl who had looked like a spider and the other kind of resembled a muffin like thing with teeth. They had gone out of the room and what sounded like the house. You looked outside of your window to make sure that they were gone. Once they were you ran down your stairs to check on your family. "(o/s/n)!! (y/s/n)!!! mommy!!! daddy!!!" you had yelled out. (o/s/n means older sister's name and y/s/n means younger sister's name) You dropped to your knees sobbing, knowing that you were the only one left. Once you had calmed down you ran upstairs and grabbed you sister-puzzle necklace and your phone that you had gotten a few days before. You ran back downstairs to a little closet in hope that the people were stupid enough to not notice it. Your hopes had succeeded by finding 300 dollars worth of cash and change. You had walked back to your family sighing. looking up you say "why god why?". You knew that you were alone.

'end flashback'


This is my first story so I hoped you liked it. I'm sorry for it being so cliche but I got all of my ideas from other books. Also, I honestly don't know how long this story feels so sorry if it's too long or too short but I did my best and got 434 words out of it, so yeah. Again I hope you liked it, see you next time. Bye :D

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