Chapter 4: new home

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I'm so so so so sorry for not updating sooner! ;( but I hope I can make it up to you with this new chapter, so here ya go. :)

"You! Punk why are YOU here?!" the fish lady said angerly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa calm down undyne! She's a friends of mine ok?!" sans said protectively while getting between you two. you started blushing wanting to be more than friends. You shook your head to get the thought out your mind 'cause now was not the time for that. "Fine, but only because she's your friend!" said the fish, again, most likely Undyne. You sighed in relief smiling knowing that you were safe with sans. "Ok, now that that's over." sans chuckled "(y/n) this is Undyne, Alphys, Frisk, Asgore, Toriel, (sigh) and my dad." sans said pointing to the people he was introducing, you noticed that he was blushing as he had introduced his dad and that mad you giggle. 'That's so cute, he blushes blue. <3' you thought giggling. You noticed that everyone except you and Toriel were wearing a tie. "cool." you said softly out loud hoping that no one would hear you. "What was that?" sans said looking at you. "oh nothing. It's just.... I think that... ties are cool and all." you say shyly. Suddenly the door slammed open with a very tall robot standing there. "OH?! Did I hear anything about fashion?~" the robot exclaimed. "no not rea-AUGH!" you say as you were dragged like a doll out of the house by this robot. "SANS!" you scream not knowing at what's going on. But no one came. "oh I'm so sorry if I scared you darling.~" says the robot once he put you down. He introduced himself saying that his name is Mettaton. "why did you drag me here exactly?!" you asked not knowing exactly what was going on. "I heard that you liked ties and that you didn't have one. Come with me darling.~" he said urging you to follow him. You did so and saw a huge wall filled with multi-colored ties. You were in complete aw. "Choose as many as you like darling.~" He said with a smile. "are you shore Mettaton, I mean I don't need one." "NONSENSE! You shall have at least one tie before the end of the day!~" he said like he was going to keep you here until you took one. You looked at the different ties and took a black tie with grey stripes feeling that Mettaton wasn't going to use it, also to you it looked nice. "nice choice (y/n). Now to try it on and see how it looks.~" He quickly took the tie out of your hands and put it on you neatly. You looked in the mirror and liked how it fit with your outfit. You left and went back to Sans and Papyrus' house. You stayed there for supper and realized how late it was. "oh sorry guys but I have to go home now" you say not looking forward to your night. "(y/n), you don't have to go back there to those boxes. You would probably be cold and we could set you up for you to sleep on the couch here until we make a room for you, if you want." sans said with a blue blush on his face causing him to tilt his fedora. "Thanks sans, that would be awesome" you say back also with a blush. When you were saying good bye to everyone, Undyne, Alphys, and Mettaton all left together. "This ship has sailed.~" "And it's not making any stops!" Undyne and Mettaton said together. "t-t-this i-is quickly b-b-becoming m-my all t-t-t-time fa-favorite sh-sh-ships." said Alphys with her studery voice. "OH COME ON! REALLY?!" you yell while being super flustered. Undyne playfully punched you in the arm as she was leaving, leaving you in a blushing mess.

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