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"- You bastard! You got us in this trouble! She said throwing a pillow toward me.
- Shut the fuck up! No one asked you to come here! I would be able to hang out alone here! Not with you following me everywhere! I threw the pillow back straight in her face.
- And you dare to blame me after all of this? She asked throwing an apple toward me.
- Oh, thank you darling! How did you know I'm hungry?" I replied taking a bite of the apple.
She glared at me and the next second, I saw a flying knife coming my way. What do you think I did? Freaked out, sreamed like fried chicken in a pan? No, I stood still in my place smirking and just like I assumed, the knife went through me as if nothing happened.
"- Bitch you thought ha! I'm dead. What do you think a knife will do to me? Replay my death scene with a different scenario? I died once and I'm not doing it again. I'm starting to know why I left you. Ha!" I said while holding my stomach, laughing way too much. Tessa was coming my way still glaring, her fists in balls.
"- Hey, hey. Calm down Hulk woman. It's gonna be okay.
- No! Fuck No Harry, it won't!
Because one, I won't be the angel I always fucking dreamed of being After life and two because now I have to do THIS in order to live peacefully here! God damn it!
- Why are you speaking as if you just got rejected from Oxford university? Chill woman."

Yeah, you all must be wondering why we're fighting like monkeys over bananas. I know the comparison was perfect. Thanks.
Anyway, in order to understand, we should all come back to Leo aka my best friend EVER. Please, please note my sarcasm.
So we were supposed to sit in a nice calm place and have a small normal conversation, you know the normal as in between three dead ghosts with humans to scare in order to not have them sitting on you, the normal..
"- Remind me again why I'm doing this? I asked through gritted teeth.
- Because I said to or else- Leo made a move of zipping his mouth while smirking at me.
- Fine you little- I muttered.
- Huh? I don't hear you Harry, raise your voice. I wanted to get that smirk off his face so bad.
- Nothing. Nothing you little NICE person.
- Aha. Why thank you Harry. Now go bring me my ice cream. It's hot and I need to be refreshed, in a good mood to explain everything.
- Sure. Whatever.
- Manners Harry.
- Sure..Sir.
- That's right. Sir Leo. Now go. Tessa will stay with me." He smirks at me, smiles to him

Once I get what I want, I'm breaking your neck I swear. My subconscious said and for the first time, I strongly agree with it.
"- Dear God. Weren't you supposed to fucking tell us after I bought you the damn ice cream?! I stated in anger.
- Manners Harry. And you didn't even buy it. You just scared the man and had one. That was fun I gotta say especially when he tried that trick of Tom and Jerry and got flour all over you. Cheap tricks. He laughed.
- I actually got flour in my mouth. Tasted awful by the way.
- Well...Who cares! I didn't even ask you." He continued laughing and I looked at Tessa who was pleading me with her eyes not to break the guy's nose again for our sake.
-" I'm sorry. Now please, would you tell us?
- Now? Come on man, don't be such a boring guy. I'm having my back and feet massage first then we'll talk about it.
- That guy is dead too, right?
- Duh. What a stupid question. I'm not surprised you asked though.
- You'll fucking regret every word.
- What did you say Mr. I think I'm smart?
- Nothing.
- That's right. Nothing. Now wait for me outside." He says as if having his massage was the most important thing. Damn him.
I pinched my nose in frustration waiting along with Tessa outside the waiting room.
"- You know I'm doing this for you right? I asked while looking at Tessa.
- Oh yeah? As if you don't wanna know why you're an angel too. Ha. She replied with a sarcastic tone.
- Actually, I wanted to know but if fucking Leo will make me his slave then just fuck it, I won't ask about reasons even if I'm a donkey. I replied making her snort.
- You broke the guy's nose. He's having his sweet revenge.
- Wait, what?
- When you went to get his ice cream, he told me he's getting revenge but slowly and with a sweet taste. She smirked.
- Remind me again whose wife are you? That's right, You're MY fucking wife! Damn. I'm out." I stormed out of the store only for her to follow me.
"Harry." I ignored her and continuedy way.
"- Harry, come on baby. Look at me. I'm sorry. Really. I just..She exploded laughing before continuing and I glared at her.
- You what?
- I liked to see you suffer.
- Are you serious? How can you be so careless about me?
- As careless as you when you decided to leave me Harry. She stopped laughing and when her eyes met mine, I saw them sparkle with a hint of tears. I did this. I embraced her in a hug and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Please stop making me regret it baby more than I already do." I whispered to her and she just kissed the crook of my neck.
"- Let's go find Leo. Yeah? She said.
- Yeah." I said squeezing her hand in mine.

"- Man. You can't be serious. You must know we can't do this. I told Leo quite surprised with the idea.
- I'm sorry man but this is just how it works. I can't do anything.
- Soo tell us again the reason behind it?
- You are an angel now for example which is the opposite of your behaviour when you were alive and in order to rest in peace here, you have to accomplish this mission because it makes you learn how to live the other way.
- This doesn't make any sense,you know? But if that's it so if I will be a good angel for him, I'll be free from these wings and be a normal dead, right?
- Right. Same goes for Tessa. She has to a demon for her for a month otherwise both of you will have those forever and believe me they're not good. People who don't accomplish their missions are considered as a shame here and they don't get any goods so you better do this."
Back at it, that was why we fought.
You might also want to know whom do we have to be an angel and a demon for.

I, Harry Styles was chosen to be an angel for Zayn Malik and Tessa, my wife was chosen to be a demon for our orphan daughter, Emery Styles.

Fucking fate.

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