chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chrome’s POV

            As we pulled into the driveway I went over our instructions one last time. We were to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Destinato about taking World to Italy and starting her training as the next boss of the family. Her parents weren’t the problem, she was. World had never been taught about the mafia. From the information that I have received I know that she is stubborn and will probably resist. Oh well, more fun for me.

           I parked the car and got out, the others followed. We then walked up to the door and I knocked, Mr. and Mrs. Destinato were home today, but World was at school which meant that we had about an hour left before she got home.

            The door opened and Mr. Destinato greeted us. “Welcome to my home, you must have been sent by the old man to retrieve World. Come inside.” Without a word we followed him in. He led us to the living room, a large room with a high ceiling, three couches, five chairs, a fireplace, two tables, and a large TV. In one of the chairs sat Mrs. Destinato, she married into the family at age 20 and had her daughter, World, at age 22.

           The time went by quickly and soon it was time for World to be coming home. I stood up and started pacing, Stella kept the conversation going but I wasn’t paying attention. I want to see her; I want to see the girl that I will have to take orders from in a few years.

            Without warning she jumped out from around the corner and came at me with a knife. I easily knocked the knife out of her hand and pinned her to the ground. I knew that she was beautiful from pictures but seeing her in person was different, she is absolutely breathtaking and I want to take her right there.

            The squirming isn’t helping any either. She should know better than to rub against a man when he is already excited. Looking at her I see that she is wearing a jacket, a smirk creeps onto my face. I unzip her jacket and slide my hand under her, and up her back. In one swift motion I unhook her bra and slide it out of the way.

            World has the family crest on her chest, it proves that she is going to be our next boss. I press my lips to the crest and to see if I get a reaction suck a little. She tenses up. I lift my head and announce, “This mark proves that she is going to be the next boss.”

            “Chrome, leave World alone. You probably just made her your enemy.” Stella. When will she learn to not speak out of place? Sure we grew up together, but seriously? We are technically working and she is telling me what to do when she is my subordinate.

            “Shut up Stella. I’m just having fun.” I leaned towards World and kissed her again, but this time I kissed her lips. They were so soft and tasted sweet, but I want more. I forced my tongue into her mouth, she fought back but one day little World must learn that there are just some things that women cannot control.

            World began struggling even more, once again only making me want her even more. I will not let her go. She is mine and if anyone ever hurts her they will pay. I stopped and pulled away from her when she began to pass out, that should teach her. I hope she doesn’t hate me for this, but World needs to learn quickly, and these rough lessons should help.

            I picked her up and started walking up the stairs, carrying her princess style, World was my princess, and mine alone. “Which room is hers?”

            “The room at the end of the hallway on the third floor Chrome.” Mrs. Destinato didn’t even react to the fact that her daughter had just passed out and that she was in the arms of a man who could easily take her. I carried World the rest of the way to her room and laid her on her bed. Stella came into the room immediately after.

           “Chrome, go downstairs, I will change her and make sure she is comfortable.” Stella pushed me out of the room and shut the door in my face. I heard a “click”, she had locked me out and away from World. If anything happens to World while Stella is in there, even though she is my childhood friend, I will make her regret ever being born.

 Hey, sorry this chapter is late. I was watching White Fang when I was supposed to be publishing this chapter. I will try to update Friday. sorry if I dont, and THANK YOu for reading the chapter.

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