Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I woke I was lying in my bed. Looking up at my clock I realized that it was midnight. Well, that was a nice catnap. Light was shining through the crack underneath my door and I can hear people talking. I quickly threw on one of my gothic dresses and went downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen, except two of the men who must have left while I was sleeping. Only Chrome, Stella and the two other boys who looked close in age to me remained.

“World, come in here and sit down. We need to talk.” Crap, Dad is talking without any sign of emotion again, this is bad. I walked slowly into the kitchen and sat down at the table. “This is going to be a lot to take in, but you need to hear this now. You are going to be the next head of the Destinato family. The current head, my father, is old, and there are too many people coming after him for him to be able to stand much of a chance on his own if he must defend himself. Tuesday morning you will fly to Italy to start your training. Don’t worry about school, they will get you a personal tutor.”

 The fuck Dad, you chose to wait till now to tell me all this, really? Blond boy then spoke to me, “World, I am Sky, and this is Gyrne.” So Sky is the blond and Gyrne is the guy with the bleached silver hair. Easy enough to remember. “You have already met Stella and Chrome. We will be escorting you to Italia. Once there we will also help to train you. Sorry, but Chrome is actually in charge. He’s just a stubborn lazy ass who didn’t feel like explaining.”

“Go to hell Sky. I am also the head of your security, World. Stella is the highest ranking of the few girls in our group, and in the family, so go to her for feminine crap.”

Chrome is a major asshole! I haven’t even known him for twenty-four hours yet I hate him! Although there is something about him that draws me to him and not just the fact that he is gorgeous. His muscles are amazing and his face is wonderful and, stop thinking about him World. He pretty much tried to rape you, remember? “So anything else I need to know, like someone is gonna try to rip my throat out in my sleep, or I’m gonna have an arranged marriage? Anything? ‘Cause if not then I am going to bed.”

Before they could answer me I stormed out of the kitchen and was running up the stairs. I need to think this thing through sometime. Tomorrow, after I get some sleep. Maybe, or maybe I should just run away, come back on Wednesday and act like none of this ever happened and it was all a dream. If only it was that easy, but nothing ever is.

When I reached my room I undressed and plopped down in bed. I then turned my lamp off. Sleep quickly claimed me. Many dreams danced in my mind. Ones of adventure and excitement, and tragedies in which many people died and I lived in misery. When will this Wonderland end and the morning arrive?

Sorry that this chapter is late, again. I really need to get better at releasing on time. And I will hopefully be able to write longer chapters over winter break. This week is finals so I should hopefully have time to write a good chapter before friday because I will be getting home at like 11:45 am every day except for Monday. Im probably not going to be doing much studying considering the fact that at this point I am honestly BS-ing my way through life. Good luck on finals for all of those who have to take them this week!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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