Chapter 13: The fake smile

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So that's why she was frowning! At least it's more of an expression than that fake smile.

Yuu: "Maybe you've seen me on the streets."

Grace: "Maybe, but the Manager seems to have seen you before as well."

Yuu: "Maybe he's seen me on the streets as well."

Grace: "No. I'm sure I didn't meet you in the streets. Have you come to our restaurant before?"

Yuu: "The food is delicious!"

I avoided the question just to tease her a little more. Grunt returned just at the right moment.

Grunt: "What were you guys talking about?"

Yuu: "Nothing much. Anyways, there's still a lot of food left. You should continue eating."

Seeing her frown so much, it was so funny that I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't do that and ruin the fun.

By the time we finished, it was already evening. The food was seriously delicious and I made Grunt eat till he felt like dying. I had a lot of fun teasing Grace as well, but it was time to leave.

Manager: "Thank you so much for coming! Please come again, Hero-sama!"

Yuu: "I had a lot of fun. I'll make sure to be back soon."

Grace: "Ah, Hero-sama! Can you please stop avoiding my question? Where have I seen you before?"

Grunt: "I'll go first. See you at home, Grace!"

Well, I guess I could give her a hint.

Yuu: "Hmm. Then I'll answer it with a question."

Grace: "Huh?"

Yuu: "Why do you bother putting on such a fake smile?"

Her face, like before, had distorted right after hearing the same question.

Yuu: "Hahaha! Well then, bye!"

Grace: "Ah, wait! I still can't remember!"

I ignored her and continued walking off.

Manager: "Ah! That's it! No wonder why his face and voice was so familiar. Now I feel so embarrassed, since I was angry when he first came."

Grace: "You remember who he is now, Manager?"

Manager: "That's right. I should apologise to him the next time I see him. Also, sorry Grace."

Grace: "Huh? Who is he? Please tell me!"

Manager: "Hahaha! You'll find out eventually."

Grace: "Huh? Oi, please tell me!"


Grunt: "You sure it's okay not telling her who you are?"

Yuu: "Ah, it's fine. I don't really care. It's just fun to tease your little sister."

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