Chapter 16: A different way out

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Yuu: "So that means we have no way of knowing if it is trying to attack?"

Elpha: "Yes."

Yuu: "Then I say that we give it the benefit of doubt."

Elpha: "What? Even now? We can't simply sit back and risk getting destroyed!"

Yuu: "Then what do you plan on doing?"

Elpha: "Like before, I intend to gather a group of adventurers to attack it. Casualties are inevitable now, but it's for the greater good."

Yuu: "Sounds great. As long as I'm not part of those plans, it's perfectly fine."

Just then, Jack came out from the usual door and saw me.

Jack: "Yuudai!"

Yuu: "Ah, Jack. We were just talking about fighting the World Beast."

Jack: "About that... is there really no way to persuade you?"

Yuu: "Give me one extremely good reason why you need to take out this world beast and I'll help you."

Jack: "I'm afraid we can't disclose the reason."

Yuu: "Then I'm afraid you won't get help from me."

Jack: "That's truly a shame, but it is what it is. No use trying to force someone who doesn't wish to fight after all."

Elpha: "But Master!"

Jack: "No buts. If Yuudai has decided on something, there's really nothing we can do about it. However, if you ever change your mind, we'll be right here."

Yuu: "Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me."

Saying that, I left the guild. There's something extremely suspicious going on and I need to find out what it is. There's no way the guild would try so hard to kill an innocent beast. They seem hell-bent on doing it. Maybe Grunt knows something about it. Where could he be though? I should try checking the restaurant first, I guess.

I made my way over to the restaurant and low and behold, Grunt could be seen inside the restaurant talking to his sister.

Yuu: "Oi, Grunt!"

Grunt: "Ah, Yuudai! Where have you been? I've been looking for you."

Yuu: "So have I."

Grunt: "Oh? Well, you go first."

Yuu: "I have a few question concerning Corrosia"

Grunt: "Hmmmm. Maybe I should go first then."

Yuu: "What is it?"

Grunt: "I've actually joined the party that's heading out to kill Corrosia."

Yuu: "Huh? Well, I was going to ask you why it was such an emergency to kill a harmless beast."

Grunt: "What do you mean harmless? It's harmed so many adventurers."

Yuu: "Maybe because it's being hunted?"

Grunt: "Hunt is a light word for it. We're risking our lives for this. It's a great honour to fight a world beast after all."

Yuu: "So it's just a stepping stone?"

Grunt: "You could say that I guess."

Yuu: "What you do is up to you, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm seriously disappointed. I thought you would be more reasonable."

Saying that, I stormed off. Wait... why do I care so much? It's none of my business! But somehow, I feel like I can't let this world beast die no matter what. But what could I do for it? I can't call off the hunt and I can't stop it either.

Wait... if the beast doesn't attack back and can't be constantly hunted, then there wouldn't be a problem. What if I... tamed it?

When the idea struck me. I immediately hid in an alley and took out my book. If there was indeed a way to tame beasts, I might just be able to do it, even if it's near impossible. If there's a chance, I might as well give it a shot.

Flipping around, I managed to find a few pages marked "Taming". Looks like it does exist!

Huh. I never thought it was going to be easy to tame a world beast, but it seems it is. Normally, feeding the beast first is involved, but I have no idea what a world beast eats. Feeding it is optional so I decided to ignore it. The book wrote that there are three ways to tame a beast. The first way is only if you have stronger stats than the beast. I can see why no one bothered trying to tame the world beast then. The second way is to fight it and prove that you are superior. How is that different from having stronger stats though? The third and last way is to help it. Beasts are well known to remember favours and return them.

The last way seems really annoying since it requires the perfect timing, so I decided against it. Fighting it at this time is too troublesome as well. I ended up going with the first and simplest way.

I continued reading up on the first method and it seems that it really is easy. If you have higher stats than a beast, you can easily tame it by tapping it on its head.

How do I know if I have higher stats than the beast though? I should just risk it. Though based on the ways to tame a beast, Black should be perfectly eligible... so why didn't he try?

Never mind that. I should hurry and get to the world beast before the hunters get to it.

I had no information on the location of the world beast though. I decided to head back to the Guild to gather the information. I'm sure they wouldn't mind disclosing the location if I'm the one asking, but I will do things my way.

Yuu: "Elpha! Where are you!"

Elpha: "Ah! Yuudai, could it be that you have changed your mind?"

Yuu: "I need you to tell me the location of the world beast."

Elpha: "So I assume you're going to help us? Then it seems the hunt isn't needed after all."

Yuu: "You can think whatever you want. Just give me the location now."

Elpha: "Fine. It's in the forest west of here."

Yuu: "The forest where I defeated the Cyclops is in the north, right?"

Elpha: "Yes."

Yuu: "Thanks! I'll bring back good news for you."

I have the location now. I just have to get there as quickly as possible. I decided to bring up my stats screen before leaving.

Name: Yuudai Takehiko
Age: 17
Level: 12
Race: Human
Jobs: None (Limit: 10)
HP: 120000000
MP: 120000000
Exp: 0/1200
120000 STR (x100)
120000 DEF (x100)
120000 DEX (x100)
120000 MATK (x100)
120000 LUK (x100)
120000 CHA (x100)
120000 END (x100)
120000 INT (x100)
None (Limit: None)
Legendary Hero, The one that is destined to walk alone, Boosted, Rebel, Magical Clothes, Magical Armour

Legendary Hero
- Increase in stats by 10000 every level
- Can ignore defence
- Can take up to 10 jobs
- Can have unlimited amounts of abilities

The one that is destined to walk alone
- ???

- Gains one level per kill
- Ignores rank of opponent

Rebel A?????? ???
- ???

Magical Clothes
- The wearer gets a 10x boost to all stats (Can be stacked)

Magical Armour
- The wearer gets a 10x boost to all stats (Can be stacked)


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