Straight A Student. Lying Best Friend. New Best Friend Who Wants To Date Me?

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Sorry if its rubbish xP

Improvised this ?:O


Enjoy ^^.


Chapter 1: Some friend? New Friend.

Annah POV

I awoke in the morning to a fresh smell of air. I opened my eyes and pushed my covers off. I just then remembered it was a school day and my brightness faded. I sighed and took my clothes off while half changing into my school clothes. My life can go die. I hate school days because I'm always made fun of for being a straight A student. I had one true friend, and that was Molly. But she is always flunking most of her classes. Anyway, I guess opposites attract. As I walked downstairs while brushing my tuggy hair I tripped in one of my brothers banana peels. I sighed and stood up. My brother laughed.

"Lucas, I'm not in the mood for laughing," I said brushing myself off. He just shrugged and laughed again. Lucas is older than me, about nineteen. I think. When I sat down at the table my mother put my breakfast infront of me. Great, 'Golden Nuggets'. I took my spoon and ate them as quick as I can. I was in a rush, because I couldn't stand my brother anymore. His private school had a weeks holiday and he has always bugged me. Yes, my brother still goes to school. Dumb person. He is in the final year, then he leaves, though. I fetched my school bag and kissed my mother goodbye. I walked out the door and to the fields where all the mud went up my tights and almost onto my skirt.

At the halfway point of the field I met Molly. She greeted me carrying her keyboard lesson book and her other books. My eyes widened. I looked in my bag and luckily I had my keyboard lesson book, as well. I sighed in relief and caught up with Molly.

"Hey Molls," I said as she turned to look at me with her plaits swishing round to hit the other side of her face.

"Hey Annah," she said back then turning her head to face the field again. Molly seemed in a sour mood. I felt that I could feel the 'Golden Nuggets' coming up.

"So, what subjects do you have, again? I forgot!" I said trying to make conversation. She showed me and I nodded my head.

-->Molly's Timetable<--

1st period - Art - Class 108 - Mr. Fletcher

2nd period - Drama - Home room - Ms. Mackentire and Mr. Richards

3rd period - Lunch - Cafetiria - Lunch Lady ? :L [the Lunch Lady ? :L bit was meant to be written my Molly]

4th period - Calculus - Hall B - Mrs. Brae

5th Period - English Language - Class 5 - Mr. Grey

6th Period - Free Period ...............

7th Period - German - Hall A - Ms. Dandy

-->Molly's Timetable<--

Molly put her timetable away and remained quiet. I was worried about her. Was something bothering her?

Molly POV

I put my timetable away and remained quiet. I looked secretivly to Annah. She looked worried. I looked away and began walked on. When we reached the school grounds and went and walked over to a corner with crowds of people while Annah just walked through the centre line allowing people to point and laugh at her. I at one point pointed and laughed as well, only quietly so she couldn't hear me or see. I then stopped and went into my bag where I got out a piece of paper to doodle on. I am quite a good artist, the only subject I didn't flunk. I doodled a picture of Annah having missiles hitting her. I laughed at my creation and stuck it in my bag when the school bell rang. As I entered the building I saw that Annah was over at her locker. I turned the corner and went to my locker. I figured if I could be bothered to study I might not flunk. I opened my locker and got out the books I needed. I then sighed as I picked out my over-due library books. Class didn't start for another 15 minutes so I decided to go put the books back.

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