Straight A Student. Lying Best Friend. New Best Friend Who Wants To Date Me? (3)

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Made it mostly Valerie POV for some reason.


Part three.


Yeh, so the next day. And blah blagh.


Chapter 3: Sluts, Popular and Downtown.

Valerie POV.

I woke up the next morning to find Craig still sleeping. The alarm had been on. Oh my god. Lazy bones. I got up and walked to his bed and pushed him out of it. There was a big thud on the floor. I bit my lip and ran with a blanket around me to the door.

"Ehh.. mum, it was just my school bag," I shouted downstairs and shut the door. When I turned around Craig was looking at me angryish. I laughed and walked past him.

"Softie," he said. How the heck was I a softie. What else did he want me do to wake him up? Retarded person. I looked at the clock. Damnit, gonna be late. I heard stones being thrown at the window. Craig strided past me and to the window. It then stopped when he opened the window.

"Come on, hurry up," I heard the muffled voice below.

"Okay, be right there," Craig said. I knew it was Annah. Oh well, I did wanna like her. I got dressed in the bathroom and got my school bag. I then rushed down the stairs with Craig and picked up an apple and ran out of the door. I was soon followed by Craig and Annah in her knee high skirt and her elbow length shirt with a pullover black top, and her tights that covered up her skinny legs. She smiled holding her books in one hand and her strap bag on her back. Man she looked like a smart student. Obviously she was one.

We walked to the back of the fields and I walked beside Craig and Annah as they held hands while walking. While we were walking I was thinking about my old boyfriend. I sniffed. I guess you could call me jelous. I snapped out of the trance and Annah and Craig were looking at me. Craig straightened his head when he found out what I was thinking about. Annah just looked at Craig. Craig shook his head. When we were in the school gates we walked up the center line and everyone was pointing and laughing at Annah. Annah lowered her head but coped with it. I looked at everyone who was doing it then they stopped. I was quite scary sometimes and was very good at judo. I smiled and walked on following Annah who was leading us to get our timetables. Well of course Craig already had one, but I was absent yesterday because I had been vomiting up all night. When she led us into this building it was an office with someone like the information guide who looked quite young sorting out files at the desk. Annah walked up to her and spoke.

"My friends are here to pick up their timetables," she said pointing to us. We both smiled and walked up to Annah. The beautiful smiling lady handed me my timetable but Craig stepped back realising he had his. I laughed as we went out the door again. As we walked a bunch of girls walked up to us. Annah was backing up with Craig. The front person, who I think was the leader of the sluttish gang. Annah and Craig hit the wall. The girl was about to step past me but I stood on her foot.

"And who do you think you are, hurting my friend and brother?" I asked as she stroked her sore foot. Over dramatic. She laughed and tried to step past me again. I used one of my judo moves to flip her over onto the cold hard stone of ground. She screamed in pain. Everyone who was watching ran away. Annah was laughing but Craig was still a but useless. I looked at him flapping my head to one side. He nodded and Annah, Craig and I left to go inside the school.

When I found my locker it was beside Annah but Craig's was on the other side of the hall. Aww, poor Craig. Annah seems really nice so I really want to get to know her. I looked at my timetable and I guess everyones timetable was the same. But probably not, Craig, Annah and I all had the same timetable. It was pretty much a lot of time until class started so I started to get fond of my locker. I put quite a few things in like pictures of my old boyfriend and decorated the sides of it with like teddies and plastic love hearts and drawings. I then put my notebook and textbooks in it with my jotters. I took out the stuff I needed for art and shut my locker. I wrote down my combonation and Annah said she would let me make a library account. I smiled and she led me to the library.

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