Straight A Student. Lying Best Friend. New Best Friend Who Wants To Date Me? (2)

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Second Part =D

Here we goo.

Enjoy ^^.

Plus, message me if you want a shout out :D


Chapter 2: In the night.

Annah POV

I woke up not even knowing I had fell asleep. I stood up and let Craig drop to the soft tar. That bump made him wake it. I sat back down. I wanted to see the sunset with him. I had to admit it, even though we had just met I LOVED him. I think he loved me too. I smiled as he sat up and against the wall. The sunset was beautiful in the park. It was all a melty orange colour in the sky and the sun just showing. I waited for a brink of the moon to come up but it seemed ages I had waited and not one shown. I moved closer to Craig so he could hug me tight while his eyes were focused on the sky. I lifted one of his arms and put it around me. I then saw just a brink of the moon show. I smiled and got up running to the metal fence. I laughed and jumped over the fence running up the fields. I looked back to Craig. I screwed my face up.

Craig POV

I was just staring when Annah lifted my arm up and put it over her shoulder. As I watch the sun go down and a point of the moon come up Annah got up and ran to the metal fence. She was just a shadow and I could hear her tainted laugh as she climbed over the fence and ran up the field. It looked like she looked back at me. I couldn't help but go and join her. I got up and ran to the fence. Annah had turned around and kept running. I was quite a fast runner and caught up with her. I hugged her from the behind and we toppled over. We both laughed and fell silent as we lay side by side fingers just touch. I took my hand up and stroked her cheek. She stared at me with no smile on her face but a very concentrated face. She was studying my face but closed her eyes. I pulled her closer and kissed her lips quickly because I couldn't resist. I lay her back and she smiled and suddenly there was no movement of her, but her heart beating fast. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

??? POV

I walked up the fields to search for my brother. I had a squinted face when I saw a figure in the shadows. I ran up to it and noticed there were two figures. One of my brother and one of a girl who I didn't know. I shook my brother rapidly. He was always in a bad mood when he was woken.

"W-what?" he asked in a muffled tone. I sighed.

"It's your sister, Valerie," I said still shaking him. His eyes shot open and he stood up. He looked behind him and looked at the girl behind him whom was just waking up. I looked at him. Oh my gosh, made a girlfriend already. She stood up and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes widened and looked at me. I was really shy so I looked away.

"This is Valerie, Valerie this is Annah," Craig said introducing us.

"Hi, I'm his sister," I said an she smiled.

"Nice, I'm Annah, and it's clear we'll get along," she said and smiled. Woah she was hyper. I nodded and turned to my brother.

"We should be getting home," I said.

"What time is it, like?" he asked me. I looked at my watch and it read 2:45am.

"2:45am," I said. My brother looked at me and grabbed Annah and I by the hands. He dragged us to the bottom of the field and we all climbed over the gate. Once we were back on 'Bernards Rd." [made up street.. i think] I walked inside the house leaving Craig and Annah alone for two minutes. Although I could still hear tiny little muffled voices.

Craig POV

We got back to 'Bernards Rd.' and my sister went inside to say I had arrived home safely. I stared into Annah's bright, purple, shining eyes. Her eyes welled with tears, but I don't know why. I put my hands around her waist and leaned my head closer to her.

"Kiss me, and thats an order," I said. She went up on her tip-toes to reach my lips but she got there. It was a long lasting kiss. I picked her up and turned around. She broke the kiss and jumped down from my arms and hugged me. She stroked the hair that was hanging in my eyes away from them and whispered gently.

"I love you," she said. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too," I said.

Annah POV

We eventually found 'Bernards Rd.' and Craig's sister went inside. I made a squinted face but remodeled it when Craig look back at me. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. My eyes welled with tears. Only because I wasn't very good at staring. He put his hands around my waist and leaned his head closer to me.

"Kiss me," he said, "and thats an order." I went up on my tip-toes to reach his lips but i got there. The kiss felt magical and exhilarating. He picked me up and we circled in circles. I broke the kiss because I could see Lucas's light just switched on. I jumped down and gave him a hug. I stroked Craig's hair that was hanging in his eyes away from them and whispered to him gently.

"I love you," I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too," he said. Craig ran inside and I went into my house. I done it quietly so nobody could hear. As soon as I shut the door the lights went out. It was Lucas. I slapped as he almost gave me a heart-attack. I sat on the couch and Lucas sat on the arm chair with an ice-pack stuck to his cheek. We sat there for about ten minutes doing nothing. But finally I decided to go to bed. I ran upstairs and walked gently past my mum and dad's room. When I got to my room at the end of the hall I walked in and shut the door.

When I had my pajamas on I puffed my bed covers up so that they weren't all lumpy. I then went out onto my balcony and looked down at my well. I went to crack a stone from one of the pillars. When I had one I went back to the position of the well and threw it underneath me. I could hear it crash land in water and I went back inside my room and shut the balcony doors. There was a knock at my door and Lucas came in. He gave me a hug then left. I am very confused about that. I shut my eyes gently not even tired but drifted off to sleep.

Valerie POV

When Craig came inside I ran up to him and hugged him. I took his hand and we went to our room. He made his bed and I made mine. There wasn't much left more to do with our beds. I climbed in exhausted and he climbed in hyper. I had a squinted face. I rolled over to face him. Looks like he was tired because he was already snoring. I laughed and went to sleep myself.

Craig POV

I walked in and Valerie ran up to me and hugged me. What is wrong with my sister? She took my hand and we went up to our room. I made my bed and puffed the covers up the same as Valerie. I was really hyper but exhausted for some reason? I climbed in hyper, and it looked like Valerie climbed in exhausted. I was already sound asleep but I could still hear her muffled laugh.



Quick love, aye?

Love at first sight. :)

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