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That Mistake.

Bryce sighed as he laid back into the comfortable chair with his hands behind his head as he listened to the clock tick. The sun peered through the blinds of the almost black and white room that smelled of mints and coffee. Bryce swallowed hard as he closed his eyes and rewinded back to the fight him and his current boyfriend had only to flinch slightly at the sound of the door opening.

He opened one eyes and seen his therapist, Marcel. The tall slim male was dressed in a white dress up shirt and his glasses hung at the bridge of his nose. The males pen marked something on his clipboard then he pulled up his glasses to study the blonde. "I see you made it today Bryce." Marcel greets, taking a seat.

Bryce nodded as he opened the other eye and kept it locked on the man he was paying to treat him. "How was yesterday?" The question made Bryce make a sour face which caused the other man to write something down. It was silent for a brief moment, "It was pretty bad.." Marcel pulled up his glasses and stared.

Bryce felt his gaze harden and instantly knew his next words. "I told my father I was gay and he took it fine but when I told my mother she flipped. She told me I was not to tell anyone or I was to never come around her..she completely disowned me..then my boyfriend and I got into it badly." Marcel nodded faintly as he watched Bryce frown deeply. The blonde was clearly in pain. "Bryce not everyone accepts us for who we are and that's fine. What matters is you have some that do. What did Jon do this time Bryce?"

"What does he not?"

Marcel chuckled at that. He gave Bryce credit for that one because even he knew it was true. Jonathan was a mess. "Explain Bryce."

"He just done the same thing Marcel! Just like yesterday he came home drunker than a rock and was covered in lipstick. I tried so hard to talk to him Marcel but it gets me nowhere.."

Marcel jotted something down before throwing his glasses on the desk in front of him then leaning back. "Bryce," he called. "I think you should calm down okay? Talk to me about this calmly.." His brown eyes watched as the blonde shifted his gaze to the ceiling and gave a soft sigh. Bryce's blue eyes closing as his body relaxed. "Tell me you love him?"

"I do..I love him so much Marcel."

"Then you need to look past it like you always do. You and I both know Jonathan is going through a tuff time with his mother dying and all. You tell him you think you should slipt until he finally can decide what he wants. You're giving this man everything in return for nothing Bryce, time to make a change.."

"Maybe you're right."

"I am." Marcel glanced at his clock and sighed. "Bryce I'm afraid our time is up but I want you to come back next week okay? Be good for you. I feel like this is helping you out. Don't forget to nail a nail into that board okay?"

Uptown Apartments..

Bryce sat on the couch with his phone in his hands as he shook one leg and chewed on his bottom lip out of nervousness. The sound of music played softly in the background as he sat still on the couch. Mind blasting with wicked thoughts as too where his boyfriend could be now and what he was doing. He knew he'd be home late again.

Always was.

This wasn't Bryce's first rodeo and sure as hell wasn't his last one. He went through this almost every night Jonathan didn't have to work or went with a friend. Before, he would just sit and worry to the point to where he'd sometimes throw up or tweek slightly but now he just sits and waits. No matter the time.

Bryce sighed deeply as he stood from his spot and paced back and fourth around the room as he thought of something to do. Faintly he wished he didn't have any feelings for Jonathan. He really wished they'd die. But they wouldn't do that. Truth be told he loved his matter what.

Bryce looked to the sleeping dog that rested on the couch he once sat on with a face; never was he a dog fan. The blonde tried getting a cat but Jonathan told him what would happen if they moved in togeather and he respected that. Now he was truly alone.

Bryce went into their bedroom and laid down on the bed before groaning in frustration. He wanted to leave but something held him back..

"You're giving this man everything in return for nothing Bryce, time to make a change.."

Marcel's words flashed through his head once he heard the door in the living room open. Bryce shot uo at the speed of light and went to see Jonathan who, like always, was drunk out of his head. "Jon where have you been?" Bryce glared as he crossed his arms over his chest firmly. Jonathan slurred all his words which made Bryce frown and drop his hands in defeat, "Nevermind I don't care!"

It went silent.

"What do you want me to say Bryce!?"

Bryce looked up at that and could see Jonathan giving him a desperate look. His feelings for Bryce was dying slowly and he seen it. "Anything..tell me you love me Jonathan, even if it's a lie.." Jonathan sighed and staggered to his boyfriend. "Bryce," he whispered. "I love you." Those words were lies and he knew it.

Bryce just turned away from his boyfriend and made his way towards their office. He usally used for a silent place to read.

Once he was in there he plopped down in his boyfriends chair and began to read until something caught his eye. Skype began to make a calling noise. His fingers jerked to the mouse and when he went to hit the end button he accidentally answered it..


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