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Petty Lies.

"Bryce I'm so sorry." The man holding him whispered as he rocked the body back and fourth in his arms. Tears staining the floor beneath him as he held the blonde boy he loved close to him like he was going to lose him. "I'm so sorry." Bryce tightened his grip on the man's jacket as he muttered the same trembling words over an over again. The pain in his chest swelling.

He could only listen to the soft whispers of apologies he was receiving from his boyfriend. The bruises on his body made him feel less ideal as the pain throbbing in his arm ached like no other pain. As he listened to the soft lies coming from the others mouth he felt sick, disgusted by how much someone can lie and what they could lie about.

Yet he still cared. And deep down he knew he wouldn't leave.

"Bryce I'll make this up to you I swear," Jonathan pulled away with a sniff as he cupped his boyfriends cheek. "I love you and I swear I'll stop. I have too.."

As much comfort as those words should've brought him they didn't bring any. In fact he just stared at the man before him with a smudged look on his features. It never once left his face.

"Look baby, I have to go to work." Jonathan said, breaking the ice. "I'll see you after okay? Will you be fine sitting here?"

"Yeah," Bryce answered, voice hoarse. "I'll be fine.."

Jonathan kissed him goodbye before leaving the boy alone in the dark room. The only sound that echoed then was the sound of his heavy breathing as he stared at the open door. His pale finger brushed over his busted bottom lip, taking in the lump.

It wasn't like Jonathan to be like this. Well not that he could help it in any way. Bryce knew the real Jonathan wouldn't dare touch him but whenever he got so mad someone else came out and turned him into a monster.

The man he was with use to be so pure and kind but now it was a different story. Especially with Bryce and he saw this. The first few weeks together they had talks about it and Jon had promised he would control it more but as Bryce fell in love with him the man couldn't keep his promise.

And before he knew it the two men were in love hopelessly.

Now here he was sitting on the floor with a busted lip and bruises all over his body. Sometimes he questioned if he was a man for staying with Jonathan.

"Bryce a man doesn't hit his loved one."

"Mom I fell okay?! He didn't touch me."

"Just know if he does it once he will do it again."

Those words out of his mother's mouth was the ones he wished he listened too. Now he wished Jonathan would've pulled a hit n' run on him so he wouldn't be in this situation. But that's not how things went.

Bryce flinched when he heard his phone buzz twice. His slim fingers grasped the object before he opened it to see he had two messages.

Marcel: Hey you coming today??

Bryce deleted it and his eyes sat on the random number that had texted him. His heart skipping a beat at what it said.

Random: Heyy Bryce it's Ryan. Brock gave me your number so hmu when you can! [:

Bryce sighed deeply as he closed the phone and sat it on the coffee table. He pulled himself to his feet before limping his way to their office where he grabbed a book and sat in his boyfriends chair, the smell of cheap cologne hinting at him. It was like a warm embrace from his father before he left for work in the winter.

It brought back memories.

Bryce ran a hand through his golden locks as he stared down at the words of his book. He looked up at the computer and sat the book down on the table, his hands gripping the mouse. At first Bryce got some of his classes in but then a message popped up from his boyfriends Skype. Bryce wasn't the type to nose but seeing who it was from made him furrow his brow and check it.

Evan: Hey man did you see Bryce with Ryan the other night? I did a drive by to see if he needed a ride home but saw them together.. Thought I should check in.

Bryce rolled his eyes and switched the messages to the few Ohm had sent him last night. He smiled lightly as he began to answer him back. Time passed before the older replied and if he was honest it made him feel a lot better.


Jonathan came through the door with a small smile as he seen his dog chewing on a chew toy. "Hey buddy." He cheerful said, brushing his hand over the dogs head gently. "Where's Bryce?" The dog only continued to chew the toy causing him to set his stuff down on the couch as his blue eyes wandered around the room.

"Bryce?" He called in panic. His grip on the doorframe tightened as he peered into the empty kitchen. "Bryce?!" Now he was panicking bad.

Picking up speed he dashed to their bedroom but found an empty bed so then he rushed back into the living room only to see his phone resting on the coffee table. He grasped it before opening it to see the message Ryan had sent, at first he didn't know what to think but when he seen his boyfriend hadn't replied he knew the blonde couldn't have been with him. Suddenly the sound of a door creaking open echoed and he looked to the office were he seen the computer light flash. Jonathan sat the phone down before carefully making his way to the room.

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