Trying Your Best

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Finn’s Pov

I feel my heart ache with pain, I never knew that football training could be this hard. I’ve been out of practise for a long time so, I kind of expected it. My team and I are running laps and normally I’m at the front of the group leading them to victory, but now I’m at the back leading them failure. Maybe Quinn was right, I wasn’t good enough for the New York Giants or any team in the big leagues. Brad’s yelling at me to keep up, and I try my hardest but it’s no use. When I think I’m catching up, it seems they're always running faster.

Well the laps were finished. I breathe a sigh of relief and catch my breath. I grab a ball and wait for one of my team mates to pair up with me, I’m quite surprised that someone actually wanted to be my partner. My partner was the quiet one in the team, he kind of kept to himself and minded his own business. I don’t even know his name, but that’s all about to change.

“Hey, so what’s your name?” I ask out of the blue.

“T-Toby.” He says quietly.

“Dude, I’m not going to eat you, it’s ok you can talk to me.” I chuckle.

“Can I ask you a question?” He mumbles a little louder.

“Sure.” I should be sacred, but he’s talking.

“There’s been a lady near the bleachers for a really long time, and she’s been staring at you. Do you know her?” he says pointing to the stands.

I turn around and see a small figure sitting at the very top of the bleachers on her phone, I squint my eyes and see that this unknown woman is a brunette. I blink a couple of times and soon realise that the tiny brunette was the love of my life.

I look over at Toby and he’s just juggling the ball in his hands and I see Brad talking to one of the players, it couldn’t hurt for me to just take a five minute break.

I take one last look around the field and everyone is too busy to even notice me. Toby gives me a nod and I know he has my back. I run towards the bleachers, I see Rachel sit up and walk up to the gate. By the time I get to the gate, I’m breathing deeply but I have a feeling it’s not because of that long jog I just achieved.

I look up into her eyes and it’s then that I take in her appearance, she looked tired, stressed and broken (not literally). I jump over the gate to meet her on the other side, she jumps in surprise and I break the awkward situation.

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, you’ve never seen me do that before. Truth is, my physicality has improved since high school.” I say pretty proud of myself.

“Yes I can tell, not just in sports.” she mumbles. The last part she said quietly so I wouldn’t be able to hear her, but unfortunately for her I did.

“Well I do what I can……so, what are you doing here?” Was that a bit harsh? I didn’t mean it to be.

“I think you can agree that we need to talk.” She tilts her head to direct me to sit down. I was about to sit when I look back at the field and see that Brad is looking at us, and I put my hand up to signal ‘give me five minutes’. He nods and I’m incredibly thankful.

“Maybe we should sit up a bit higher, you know more privacy.” she nods and walks up to the highest one. I don’t argue because I know we need all the privacy we can get.

I was about to start talking when she cuts me off.

“When do you sign the divorce papers?” she says fast, wow. She doesn’t waste time does she?

“Umm, well I haven’t talked to Quinn in a while so I don’t know, why?” I hear her sniffle and I look down to see her crying. Great. We had only just started talking.

“Don’t act dumb Finn, you know why. We slept together. Normally I would deny it, but I can’t. It meant something to me, I lied and I’m so sorry.” She says wiping away her tears with her freshly manicured fingertips.

“I know.” I simply say, although all I wanted to do was tell her how much I loved her, and hold her in my arms.

She looked confused, so I continued. “I know it meant something to you, it wasn’t just a drunken mistake, and it was amazing.”

She gave me a genuine smile and I feel my heart swell up. How does she still have all these effects on me? She looks out onto the field and she giggles a bit. I follow her eyes to see where she was looking and my vision landed on a very lonely Toby. He was just juggling the ball in his hands looking at us.

“Well, I guess someone misses me.” I hear her giggling stop and I’m worried that she’s started crying again. I look over and I see that her face is serious.

“He’s not the only one.” She whispers a tad on the sad side. She grabs my hand and I squeeze it tightly. I knew what she was getting at, and I missed her too.

“We should go out to dinner.” I feel her hand leave mine and I pout at the loss of contact.

“L-Like a date?” she stutters.

“It doesn’t have to be, we can just do it as friends.” I breathe a sigh of relief when she smiles back at me.

“I want to cook for you.” I give her a cheeky smirk, because she knows that I love her cooking. Honestly, she cooks better than my mum.

“Ok, your house?” she nods and kisses me on my check.

“I think you better get back to the game, I think their lost without their star player.” She says nudging my shoulder with hers.

“Yeah, you don’t need to worry about that.” I feel her eyes on me.

“Why not?” she says facing me.

“I may have been the star player in McKinley, but I’m certainly not here.” I see her shaking her head.

“No, don’t think that. It’s your first training session.”

“Even Toby is better than me.” I argue.

“And how long has he been doing this?” she snaps with sass.

“You got me there.” she beat me there.

“Look, go out there and try your best, that’s all you can do and I’ll see you tomorrow night for dinner, is that ok?” I nod and she gets up and walks away. I quickly make my way back to the pitch and I see Toby run towards me.

“About time, you may as well of just done her up there!” he snaps.

“Now you talk?”

“So have you done her yet?” he says ignoring my question.

“That’s none of your business.” I say walking away. That last thing I heard of Toby was a “You so tapped her”. I shake my head and focus on what Rachel said, about trying my hardest.

Again sorry i haven't been posting but i'll be posting more very soon

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