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Hey sorry for the long wait, i've just been really busy, but here it is :)


Rachel’s POV

I can’t believe him. He said to me he was over Quinn…..well not in many words, but we slept together and we’re acting like a couple. Well that was until I saw him cuddling with his ex-wife. I feel tear drops roll down my burning red cheeks. I couldn’t take my eyes off the two of them they looked like the perfect couple. They we’re both good looking, they were both popular in high school and what am I?

I’m not any of those things. Some guys date a girl, makes you fall in love with them and then before you know it you get slapped in the face by reality. What was I thinking? Finn belongs with Quinn and that’s where he is now. And that’s where he’ll stay.

With that I grab my suitcase which fell to the ground when I saw Finn and Quinn, and head to the elevator when I hear a faint ‘Rachel.’

I turn around to see Kurt running towards me, in that moment I didn’t know whether to run or stay, he reminded me too much of Finn. By the time I made my final decision it was too late. Kurt was already standing in front of me.

“Rachel? I didn’t know you were coming. Finn didn’t tell me.” He says letting out a deep breath.

“Yeah, that’s because he didn’t know either.” I snap.

“Well you’re walking in the wrong direction, Carole’s rooms over there.” He points to the room opposite the waiting room where Finn was.

“Oh no, I think I’m going to head out.” I turn to walk into the elevator but he grips my arm so I couldn’t move and inch.

“Without saying hello to Finn?” Tilting his head and dropping his arm from mine once the elevator closed.

“I don’t think he’ll miss me.” I say trying to take advantage of freedom and making a run for it. Before I knew it Kurt was in front of me with a stern look on his face.

“I think he will.” Kurt places his hands on his hips and that’s when I lash out.


“WHAT?” he screams.

“If you don’t believe me go see for yourself, I’m going back to New York. Oh and give these to Carole for me please?” I put my suitcase down and unzip it to get the artificial flowers I bought on the way here. I was going to buy real ones but they would die within days and this way I could put them in my suitcase without them getting crushed.

“Why can’t you give them to her yourself?” He asks.

“You know the answer to that question Kurt.”  I start to make my way to leave but Kurt’s stops me once again.

“You’re really not going to give me a hug before you go?” I smile and hug him tight, once I feel him wrap his arms around me. That’s when my tears stream down my cheeks. I loved Finn and I thought he loved me, its high school all over again.

“I’ll talk some sense into him.” Kurt whispers in my ear.

I pull away from his embrace shaking my head, ignoring the pieces of hair that stick to my tear stained cheeks. “Don’t bother”

I walk away from him, trying not to look back at him because I know I’ll just run back in his arms and never let go. I walk out of the building and sit at the front steps, trying to figure out what I’m going to do. The only thing I feel like doing is crying myself to sleep. But I’m afraid that if I start crying, I may never be able to stop.

Finn’s POV

I feel a tap on my shoulder and that’s when I open my eyes. My vision is a little blurry but once I rubbed my eyes a few times, it became clear again. I look up to see Kurt standing in front of me.

“What’s up dude?” I ask groggily.

And that’s when I feel an ice cold hand swipe by my face. My hand goes to my cheek straight away to keep it from stinging too much, although it didn’t help.

“What’s up? What’s up is that your new ‘girlfriend’ came all the way here from New York to be with you and you shove it back in her face by cuddling up with your ex-wife…….wait correction WIFE!” Kurt was talking to fast and I couldn’t concentrate, but once he said Rachel’s name my ears were listening. Rachel came early? Why?

“Is she still here?” I say while sitting up in my chair.

“No, she cried her way out of here a couple of hours ago.” Kurt sighs.

“I got to go talk to her.” I start to make my way to the exit but I stop when I feel a strong arm stop me, who knew Kurt was so strong?

“What about Carole?” And that’s when I turned around. Kurt was right, I came here to be here for my mum, and I can’t just leave her when she needs me the most.

“Your right I can’t leave.” I agree with him.

“No shit Finn, you’re talking to Kurt Hummel here who’s always right.” I chuckle at how full of himself he is.

I sit back down on the chair that I was previously sleeping on and put my head in my hands. Kurt and I turn around once we see Quinn turn a corner in the hall to come into the room.

“Why are you still here?” I ask harshly when she walk in.  

“I told you my reason last night.” She sits down next to me.

“Well thanks to that reason, my girlfriend went home crying last night.” I spat. That’s when she puts her hands in defence, I knew that Quinn wouldn’t feel guilty, she never did when she caused trouble.

“JUST LEAVE QUINN, MY MUM WON’T EVEN CARE IF YOUR NOT HERE. TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, SHE NEVER LIKE YOU………………RACHEL WAS THE ONE SHE ALWAYS LIKED!!!!!”  I lost it, right then and there. All my anger and stress from 2 whole years was released in that moment.

She sits up and makes her way to the exit, but before she does she turns around and whispers a ‘watch your back’ and does her best impression of Rachel’s storm out. But the only person who could do it justice was Rachel herself.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and see that I have a text from Rachel. I instantly feel a wave of happiness wash over me, but within seconds that feeling faded, once I saw what her text said.

‘Be Strong, Baby R*.’

She must of texted that before she came. I quickly get out of the text and click on the call button on my phone to ring her. I breathe in a deep breath, but I let it out angrily once I hear her answering machine playing through my phone.

“Hey, you’ve called Rachel, sorry I can’t reach the phone right now. I’m probably too busy singing my heart out. Leave a message after the beep. Thanks!” The recording played.

I close my eyes, just hearing her voice made me relax and made me feel that all my worries would be solved “Hey Rachel it’s me……….Finn, look I know your probably pissed but we need to talk.”

And while I hang up I knew that I was in deep shit, and I need a really big shovel to help me out of this situation. I hear loud chewing and I look over to my right and see Kurt munching on a bagel. I feel a smile appear on my face and I see Kurt looking at me with that ‘what are you smiling at phyco?’ face.

I guess I just found my big shovel!

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I just want to say thank you to all the people who read my story and thank you for all the lovely and encouraging Comments <3

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