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I decided to update this chapter a little faster because i felt really bad for making you wait to see what happens.

So here it is :) 

Kurt’s Pov

As I’m pacing in Finn’s living room I recall my day. I came over to Finn’s house to see how he was going, I waited for a few moments, and with still now answer I decided to use the spare he gave me for emergency. I open the door still unsure of why he didn’t answer the door. As I walk in I see that he’s not in the living and dining room. I walk over to his bedroom and still no sign of him. On my way back I put my ear to the bathroom door in case he was in the shower, but I couldn’t hear the shower going………….now I was getting worried.

Normally in a situation like this I would call Rachel but, her and Finn aren’t in a very good place right now so I think I shouldn’t ring right now. Who could I call?  I know I decide to call Blaine and see if he can give me his dad's number so i can ask if he's seen FInn. I pull out my phone, hands shaking and click on Blaine’s number. The suspense is killing me.

“Hello?” he answers

“What’s your dad's phone number?” I snap

“Hello to you to” he laughs

“No this is serious, I can’t find Finn”

“Maybe he went out”

“Blaine it’s Finn he doesn’t have any friends here”

“That’s mean Kurt”

“So the number?” i ask

“Fine ill text it to you”

I don’t have time to say good bye because I need that number now and I couldn’t wait another moment. I hear my phone ding and I see the number and I type it into my phone and press the call button.

“Hello Brad Anderson speaking”

“Hi Mr Anderson its Kurt, have you by a chance seen Finn lately?” i say 

“No actually he hasn’t been at training for the past week” he says

“Oh ok, thank you anyway”

“Is everything ok?”

“Um no not really I don’t know where he is”

“Ask his girlfriend”

“Girlfriend?” I ask

“Yea spencer’s friend, the small brunette”

“Rachel?” i say with a little humor 

“That’s her, anyway I got to go but good luck hopefully you find him I need my quarterback”

I hang up and think about what brad said maybe it was the right thing to ring or even message Rachel; I think she deserves to know. If she finds out from someone else she’s going to kill me and I’ve already stepped my foot in it with her.

I decide to message Rachel, hopefully she doesn’t freak out like I’m doing right now. I send her a simple message

“Finn’s gone”

Now here I am pacing around Finn’s apartment waiting for Rachel to reply

Rachel POV

What? What does he mean Finn’s gone? Gone where? I try not to panic; this could just be a joke. I look up to see my father’s looking at me worriedly.

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