FIRST contest [Brought To Life]

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And here we go!

Our first contest is a poster contest in which you must make a movie poster based on the given criteria below!


Due to the announcement of upcoming live action versions of disney movies, we are going to ask you to do something similar! You have to pick your favourite disney animated movie and think of what it would be like as a live action film, and then make a movie poster for that movie! It has to be clear what movie you're turning into a live action film poster!

For example, if we talk about the little mermaid, we would pick a model with red hair. But that's only the model. There are so many more elements to make it clear that this is a poster of the little mermaid. The title on the poster need not be the same unless you want it to be but here are some things that are necessary:

-- A title [Make it up or use an existing one]
-- A byline [up to you again]
-- Your name or watermark
-- Date of release [just to make it more like a poster]

And apart from that, here are some ideas to help get your creative juices flowing! [in no way are these necessary, they're just to help you guys out!]

-- Think about the main character, the villain in the story.
-- Think about any symbols in the story [Ex: Snow white -- Apple ;; Beauty and The Beast -- Rose].
-- Colour scheme makes a big difference to the overall appearance of your cover!
-- Try not to make it too cluttered! This is a manipulated poster but you can still keep it neat and add only the important elements!

Well, there you go! Remember, this is a live action movie poster so real people! If you have any questions, feel free to post them below!

The deadline is the 14th of October and the winners will be announced on or before 16th and the next day, the next contest will be announced.

To enter, just comment below saying 'I'm in!' And tag five people you think might want to enter. :) Can't wait to see your work! Once you're done you can post the link below or PM it to us or even post it in your own graphic show case and tag us in it! [if you choose the latter then please post below saying that you have done so because sometimes the notifications have mood swings]

-Vellichor  | -TheAnimeFreak-  | geminigraphics  | graphicqueen-  | Pennywithaney  | winterinheaven  | AmiraAshraf-  | MulanJiang  | jakepatt  | jadenmorello  | shadowsleek  | shadowsinthestars  | zero-infinity  | Albus-Potter  | BonitaRogue  | deviation-  | taintedrein

~ The Design Times Team

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